The Truth... What is it?

Another Special Life in Christ

These testimony lives are not stories of "role models". Jesus is the role model!
These are lives wonderfully touched & changed by Jesus!

J. R. "Johnny" Cash:

He broke into country music at a young age, met with success, and got tangled up with drugs and alcohol. Fortunately, he had married June Carter, and she and the Carter family determined to "tough love" Johnny off of the substances.

QUOTE: He was a Christian, and I love this quote from the Wikipedia write up: "A biblical scholar, he penned a Christian novel, Man in White, and in the introduction Cash writes about a reporter who, interested in Cash's religious beliefs, questions whether the book is written from a Baptist, Catholic, or Jewish perspective. Cash denies an answer to the book's view and his own, and replies, 'I'm a Christian. Don't put me in another box.' "

Upon his death in Sept., 2003, there were writings to the effect that June had lead Johnny to the Lord through "fundamentalist Christianity" and that he was "born again". The Wikipedia write up with comments about his faith is HERE; his burial memorial is HERE.

Related link:

HERE are testimonies of many others & to include one or more on Johnny Cash.

***give me your comments about this page***

(Date Posted, 2004; addition 8 September 2015)


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