The Truth... What is it?

Another Special Life in Christ

These testimony lives are not stories of "role models". Jesus is the role model!
These are lives wonderfully touched & changed by Jesus!


I heard the Rush Limbaugh show today and Sonia called in from New Cumberland Pennsylvania to tell of her support of Judge Brett Kavanaugh undergoing Senate evaluation as a man President Trump has nominated for the U. S. Supreme Court. Christine Blasey Ford has accused Judge Kavanaugh with sexual assault 36-37 years ago when they were in high school but cannot remember details. Sonia says that her own mother traded sex with Sonia to males in oredr for the males to give her mother alcohol.

Sonia: Okay. My mother sold me for alcohol. I have been raped many times, and I can go back over every rape.

RUSH: Holy smokes.

Sonia: I can tell you the smells. I can tell you the rooms I was in. I can tell you clothes that I was wearing, that the suspect was wearing. I can tell you the positions. I can tell you what the room colors were. I can tell you details.

RUSH: Sonia, how did you…? How in the world did you — I don’t know what the word is — recover from this or survive all of this? How did you do it?

Sonia: Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ.

RUSH: Hmm.

Sonia: He is the only way —

RUSH: Okay.

Sonia: — because there is no way I could have survived this otherwise.

RUSH: You were sold for alcohol?

Sonia: I was sold. My mother sold me for alcohol. I was gang raped. My mom took me to homes where I was gang raped by five to seven men. This happened several times.

RUSH: How old were you?

Sonia: I started when I was 12. I was molested by my dad younger. I was molested by certain family members.

RUSH: Sheez.

Sonia: Family members, relatives. I was molested by a relative when I was 3, and I can tell you the exact situation.

RUSH: How do you not have any kind of anger or fear at men in general? How have you gotten past that?

Sonia: All I can say is “Jesus” and “God is good.”

RUSH: Well, there’s also gotta be some anger at your mother, too.

Sonia: No. No.

RUSH: I mean, selling you for alcohol?

Sonia: No, I have forgiven her, and I love her, and I wish the best for her.

RUSH: Are you married now and have your own kids?

Sonia: I have two children, and I have two grandchildren. I’m not married. But I love the Lord with all my heart, and He is the ultimate healer, and this world is… We think it’s gone to hell in a handbag, but God’s still in it. We need to bring Him back and we need to repent because look at where it’s going. And the Democrats are not gonna win. In 2004, can I say, me and my friend were watching The Apprentice, and, after three showings, I just said, just blurted out, “If that man…” Speaking of Donald Trump, I said, “If that man ever runs for president, he will win.”

So I knew he was gonna win. My friend’s, like, all worried. He stayed up all [election] night to see if he was gonna win. I went to bed. I said, “Don’t wake me up ’cause I know he’s gonna be president.” But I can’t believe the hell they have put him through. When Obama won the presidency, I respected the fact that he won. I didn’t vote for him. But when I knew Donald Trump was winning, I ran around getting people to vote. I got several people to even go and register to vote ’cause I knew how important it was. But I didn’t know it was gonna get this bad.

RUSH: Yeah, a lot of people probably didn’t. But I’m still struck by what all has happened to you and how you —

Sonia: You know, I sat down, I’ve prayed about it, and I just keep rerunning what I’ve heard in her testimony. There wasn’t… There wasn’t a lot of emotion on her side, and I ultimately… I have a testimony on September 15th of 2016, when I ultimately… I attempted suicide, and God stepped in. And that’s when my whole life changed, because for 45 years I just wanted to die because I couldn’t handle all the pain inside.

RUSH: You attempted suicide as recently as two years ago [2016]?

Sonia: Yes. RUSH: When did you find…? When did you find Jesus?

Sonia: I’ve been in and out of church. My mom went to church, believe it or not. I’ve been in and out of church all my life, but I was around Bible thumpers and stuff like that. So I really didn’t know the true love of God until September 15th of 2016, and that’s when God stepped in and said, “No, you’re not gonna do this. I don’t want you to die. I have more purpose in your life than this.” [God steps in with a Hound of Heaven rescue]

RUSH: Wow. This is incomprehensible. I know it happens, but —

Sonia: See, and watching her — but also, not only watching her — I believe that the Lord was showing me, “Look, she told everybody she can’t fly because she’s scared to fly.” So we’re looking at her character as a whole from what little we know, and there’s lies leading up to the ultimate. If she hadn’t… The little lies build up on sand, right? She’s scared to fly and then all of a sudden she gets on a plane and she flies. But we also find out that she’s flown all over the world! So she’s on sand right now, you know? She’s not a very strong… She doesn’t have a very strong testimony in the beginning. You understand what I’m saying?

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(posted 4 October 2018)


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