The Truth... What is it?

Another Special Life in Christ

These testimony lives are not stories of "role models". Jesus is the role model!
These are lives wonderfully touched & changed by Jesus!


Gene & Jean Phillips' Story, additions:

Missionary tells how God has seen them through

By Todd Deaton

"Hands up!" a shadowy figure demanded through the darkness.

There were no electric lights in the three-room house โ€” except for the single bulb, in the living room, that ran off of a battery. A full moon shone through a skylight. The couple could barely make out that, behind the intruder, three more were entering their bedroom.

It was about 2 a.m. Weary from the final service of a three-week-long tent revival and the journey home along bumpy, dirt roads, the couple was groggy, not thinking clearly. Both had the same thought: "Our landlord must have sent them over to give us a message."

But the doors were locked. The fear dawned: "Thieves!"

They had pried off the metal security bars and climbed through a small window in the bathroom.

"We want your money and your car keys!" the shadowy figure barked. He spoke to the couple in English, but he used his native language, Sesotho, with the others.

Gene and Jean Phillips sat up in bed, too scared to move.

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Missionaries know the risks. They know the hardships. The Phillips can tell you stories of both. Their experiences attest to the need to rely on prayer and trust in God's power to see you through.

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After hearing some of her stories from the mission field, many have suggested to Jean that she should write a book.

"I love writing," she allows, "but I never thought I could write a book. It is a big project."

Then, while doing an exercise in the "Experiencing God" workbook by Henry Blackaby, she read: "What are you now doing that only God can do?"

"I knew then that God wanted us to write a book for his glory," she says. "This is God's book, not mine," she smiles.

While their abduction takes front stage, her book is the story of how God has rescued her family time and again. From discouragement. From a son's drug addiction. From another son's mental breakdown. From sickness. Even from death.

"It also includes some funny moments," Gene chuckles, recalling close encounters with cobras, pythons and scorpions; moving into the bush country before their house was finished; and finding drowned squirrels in their water tank.

Jean tells about huge "harvests" of souls. One year, Gene baptized 817. Because of the scarcity of water, he dug shallow, grave-shaped pools and lined them with plastic. A unique reminder of Christ's death, burial and resurrection.

Their son John's artwork appears at the beginning of each chapter. In Pointillism style โ€” little dots of pen and ink, with no lines โ€” he depicts favorite African animals. Matching verses with the drawings, Jean connects the art with their situations.

In the last chapter, she tackles the tough question: "Why?" Reciting a favorite verse, Philippians 3:10, Jean says, "When God allows suffering in life, it always causes us to know Christ better. We learn to depend on him more."

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Read the Phillips' story from the April 28 2002 issue of The Baptist Courier.

To order copies of Jean Phillips' book, "Rescue": Write Hannibal Books, P.O. Box 461592, Garland, Tex. 75046; or visit Books also may be obtained from First Church, Camden, at (803) 432-7635 or other on-line resources in print as well as an e-book.

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(posted May 2002)


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