Why did/does Jesus NOT miraculously cure everyone? If
God is love, why do bad things happen to good people? Why wouldn't a good God make all things
right? Here's why: because there is a better place after this life on earth (though God never
treats tragedy & death trivially). Then, why miracles? Miracles happen as God-signs to bring folk into
touch with God and represent actual concrete, earthly proclamations...signs...of there being YHWH God. In collecting testimonies of miracles and the Grace of God, I have NEVER heard one that included any audible reprimand from God! Many of the below have testimonies and histories elsewhere in the internet, and those may be
located by using your favorite search engine. For many, this website will be essentially the
only source of their testimony. Enjoy!
A | B
| C | D |
E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X Y Z
- 700 Club Amazing Stories
collection ...click on left-hand margin
Living channel subheading "Amazing Stories" ...conversions, health miracles,
- Professor Mike Adams: atheist criminology professor has sudden world view change to Christianity after 17-day visit to South American prison.
- Yolanda Adams, black school teacher becomes acclaimed Gospel singer (1988 debut) & writer,
from Houston, Texas.
- Adelaide, delivered from homosexuality.
- Nadine
cancer scare in 2000...then cured, Columbia, S.
- Al Alceves,
he started a rough biker's club and became addicted to heroin.
- Shaun Alexander,
NFL Seattle Seahawks star chasing after
- Davey
Allison, professional race car driver & son of racer Bobby Allison.
- Jocelyn Andersen's was not looking for God, but He found her
- Anonymous- former Buddhist
- Sonny Arguinzoni,
NY city drug addict converted in 1962 & turned preacher;
founder of Victory Outreach drug rehab churches & homes...his site has dozens of
- Dan Arbuckle, a full blown alcoholic by the age of 29.
- Samuel Alexander Armas,
during surgical approach to correct his spina bifida before being
born, reached a hand from his mother's uterus at age 21
weeks and grasped the surgeons finger as "the hand of hope"...abortion debate item: is this
a person?
- Annie Walker Armstrong,
born (1850-1938) in Maryland, namesake for the Southern Baptist
Easter offering for North American missions.
- Mary Kathlyn "Mary Kay" Wagner
Ash, of Dallas, Texas, founder of Mary Kay beauty
products...died 2001.
- John Ashcroft,
former Missouri Gov. & Senator; US Attorney Gen. in
2003 & among Wikipedia's list of 21st century Protestant Christians.
- Kim Avery, saved from suicide.
- Gladys
Aylward, missionary to China.
- Francis Bacon (1561-1626), key figure of the Scientific Revolution (HERE & HERE).
- Wendy
Ballard Chapin, S. C. native,
gives church friend some liver...a health miracle!
- Bobby
Barnes, evangelist; miracle
conversion of his daddy.
- Jim
Baxter, Marine for
- Todd
Beamer, 9/11 hero died after
uttering "Let's roll!"...(preceded by prayers and "Jesus help
- Sandy Carlson
Becker, raised a Christian and
had greatly productive life...an example of an entire life well
- Todd
Beezley, [demonics] born with brittle bone
disease, sold his soul to Satan...on 700 Club.
- Vitor
Belfort, Brazilian UFC mixed
martial arts fighting champ turns Christian in 2003.
- Rolf
Benirschke, highest scoring San
Diego Charger copes with ulcerative colitis.
- Steve
Beren, once an opponent of
the United States, opposed in principle to the very concept of patriotism. I opposed
America and supported its enemies.
- Cassie
Bernall, murdered in 1999 at
school in Colorado...Columbine High School student
- Lance
Berkman, MLB Houston Astros,
living beyond belief.
- David
Berkowitz, "Son of Sam" 1976-77
serial killer...life in prison and Christian
- Bethel
College, Christian football
team a winner..."Love God, hit Hard!"
- Biker
church, where bikers are
always welcome.
- Arthur
Blessitt, carried a cross
walking in all countries of the world.
- Duane
Blue, (born about 1950) his
youth rebellion drove his Mom to suicide.
- Iris Blue, of Houston, Texas: bad
girl (born about 1950) turns to Jesus.
- Rev. Henry T.
Blackaby, church planter, author
of Experiencing
God (1990).
- Warren Bolton, The State newspaper, Columbia, S. C.
- Napoleon
Bonaparte, King...points to the
real King of kings.
- Corrie Ten
Boom, from concentration
camp to freedom.
- William & Catherine
Booth, they formed (between
1860-78) an army for the down-trodden that is strong
- Bobby Bowden, incredible FSU college football coach.
- drowned
boy spoken (2002) to
by grandfather's vision.
- Robert Boyle (1627-1691), (HERE) devised Boyle's Law, etc., and among the key devout Christians of the Scientic Revolution (HERE).
- Terry Bradshaw, famous pro quarterback: testimony; singing Gospel.
- William M. Branham (1909-1965), famous Christian.
- Carter
Breeland, melanoma miracle cure
(1983), West Columbia, S. C.
- "Bill" Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ,
& initiator of The Jesus Film Project (HERE and Wikipedia).
- Ron Brown, didn't get Stanford
head football coach job (2002) because he is a
- Dan
Browne, 2004 summer Olympics
marathon and 10,000 meter competitor.
- William F. Buckley, Jr., brilliant conservative writer and commentator, a Christian, wrote the provocative book, God and Man at Yale; YouTube video.
- Willie Lee
Buffington, poor white man gets
books for poor blacks in 1930s...begins Faith Cabin
- Brandon Burlsworth (1976-1999):fat Christian kid becomes football great; see movie, "Greater:...".
- Gary
Busey, nominated film
- George Walker
Bush, 43rd United States of
America President: he is a born again Christian!
- Clarke
Bynum of Sumter, S. C.:
wrestles terrorist from cockpit in flight (2000) over
- Chris
Byrd professional boxer,
former IBF champion of the world.
Top ^
- Van Patrick
Cagulada, set free from the lies of
- John Calvin, famous Christian.
- Kirk Cameron, famous in "Growing Pains".
- Annice Canady, overcomes two breast cancers then racial and gender prejudice to be a
- Ergun Caner, USA college professor Christian convert from Islam..."Jesus strapped Himself to
the cross so I didn't have to strap myself to a
- Amy Carmichael, famous Christian, saved girls from temple
- Jamey Carroll, MLB Colorado Rockies.
- Jean Carson finds joy.
- Jimmy Carter, former U.S. President.
- George Washington
Carver, changes the face of agriculture.
- J. R. "Johnny" Cash,
the "man in black" country music
- S. Truett "Dan" Cathy
began his first restaurant about 1946 and opened his first chain
location for Chick-fil-A in 1967.
- Jim Caviezel, actor playing Jesus in Mel Gibson's movie, "The Passion of the
- CBN 700 Club testimony collection.
- Oswald Chambers,
Bible college founder...famous devotionals book, My Utmost for
His Highest.
- Michael Chang, incredible professional tennis star.
- Chaos on Wheels,
BMX Stunt Team.
- G. K. Chesterton,
writer...science fiction, mystery, non-fiction,
- Cheryl Clark, M. D.,
former lesbian Colorado
- Bryan Clay, 2004 summer Olympics decathlon competitor.
- Mallory Code, Florida girl a champion golfer in spite of cystic
- Bernard Coffindaffer
(1925-93), began 3 crosses aside highways in
- William Colgate,
founder of Colgate-Palmolive was a famous
- Francis S. Collins,
head of human Genome Project leaves atheism for faith in
- Christopher Columbus,
discover of America...a
- Alice Cooper, rock singer.
- Charles "Chuck" Colson,
Pres. Richard Nixon crony...did serious jail time and has
international impact with Prison Fellowship.
- Christopher Conner,
a local musician credits prayer after cancer
- Joseph Conroy, from Catholic to Holy Ghost.
- Teri Copley - Just A Girl and Her God
- Randy Couture, a 4-time UFC champion.
- Crown Financial Ministries
testimony collection of financial turn-arounds because of learning
to apply Biblical principles.
- Neil M. Cox, CPA, he founded DoYouKnowForSure.com testimony portal in
Indianapolis in 2002.
- Nicky Cruz, hate-filled violent Puerto Rican youth gang leader in Brooklyn...in
mid-1950s...trades for Jesus & decades as evangelist.
- Claire Culwell, they tried & did not abort her (her mom was 13).
- Finis J.
Dake, famous
- Charlie
Daniels, country musician,
Wilmington, N. C.
- Chris
Danze, organizes (2003) first-ever
construction boycott of $6+ million Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, Austin,
- Rich
Daughtride, Pro Indoor
Soccer Player.
- Cecil Burke Day,
founder of Day's Inn motel chain.
- Terry
Dean, Jesus came to me in
- Harry S.
Dent, advisor to presidents
encounters real power
- Rene Descartes (1596-1650), among (HERE) the key devout Christians of the Scientic Revolution (HERE).
- Jacob D.
"Jake" DeShazer, WWII "Doolittle
Raider" from Oregon tortured by the Japanese 40 months and returns to Japan for 30 years to
evangelize 1000s.
- Gail
Devers, professional track
- Rich
DeVos, co-founder of Amway,
a famous tither.
- Joseph Donato, former mafia member.
- Desmond Doss, WWII Medal of honor for unarmed Christian conscientious objector heroics on Hacksaw Ridge (the fabulous, graphic, disturbing but uplifting MOVIE).
- Gabrielle "Gabby" Douglas, 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist
- Lallah
Lindler Drafts, radiation therapy
miracle: was promised terrible pain...actually was nearly pain
- Dave
Dravecky, pro baseball pitcher's
pitching arm amputated for cancer & he turns to help others.
- J.D.
Drew, MLB Boston Red
- Dinesh
D'Souza, immigrant to USA & defender of Christianity
vs. atheists.
- The Duggar
Family...a Christian family
expecting their 19th child.
- Tony
Dungy, first A-A coach to
win the NFL Super Bowl (2007) turns prison minister
- Ron
Dunn, Texas preacher survivor of
eldest son's suicide.
- Robert Duvall, actor and Christian produces movie "The
- Stacey Dash, mixed-race actress, child drug addict gives her story.
- Ebo Elder, is known as "The X-treme Machine" on
ESPN's second season of The Contender.
- Charlotte Elliott,
invalid British hymn writer, "Just As I Am".
- Rev. Anthony T. "Tony" Evans [do web search].
- Exodus International
North America: "Freedom from homosexuality through
the power of Jesus Christ." Testimonials of dozens
of ex-gays, male & female.
- Exodus Mandate
- Barbara
Fairchild, country singer [do web search].
- Buddy
Farris, Virginia state trooper pronounced dead in
1979...came to on the way to the Richmond morgue.
- Jennie
Finch, 2004 summer Olympics gold medal soft ball team
- Howard
Finster, preacher then folk artist & founder of Paradise Gardens, Summerville, Ga. [do
web search]
- Leah
Fitzgerald, blind (Batten's Disease) artist, 2002 high
school grad.
- John Wesley
Fling, he gave everything to others...ministerial people
helper in West Columbia, S. C.
- Nick Foles, Eagles coach for Super Bowl LII win (Vimeo; Wikipedia).
- Jane
Fonda, "Hanoi Jane", converts to being a born again
- "Tennessee" Ernie
Ford, country musician [do web search].
- George
Foreman, world heavyweight boxing
- Jeff
Foxworthy, comedian [do web search].
- Seth
Franco, Harlem
- Andrew
Franklin- a miracle healing
- Rich
Franklin, a mixed martial artist, who fights for the
- Gary
Frazier, deaf from meningitis at age 10...became deaf
minister...now prayer minister.
- Melissa Fryrear, ex lesbian video testimony, HERE.
- Commander
Mitsuo Fuchida, lead Japanese pilot on the
WWII attack on Pearl Harbor.
- Millard
Fuller, founder of Habitat for
Humanity...free homes for the
- Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), a leader of the Scientific Revolution (when most of the revolutionary scientists were devout Christians).
- Robert K.
"Butch" Galloway, born about 1934 with severe cerebral
palsy, a Sumter, S. C. business man.
- McKrae
Game, former gay and founder of Truth Ministry in
Spartanburg, S. C.
- Johnny Gardner, Columbia
street-side abortion protester.
- Larry Gatlin,
country music singer [do web search].
- John
Gavazzoni, the Gospel of inclusion.
- Lenell Geter,
imprisoned wrongly & not bitter, [do web search].
- Joe Gibbs,
former professional football coach, quietly devout Christian.
- Mel
Gibson, actor and Christian...produces crucifixion
movie, "The Passion" (2004).
- Ivy
Goforth, minister's daughter, recovering drug
- Vestal
Freeman Goodman, (1929-2003) of Fyffe, Alabama; "The
Queen" of country gospel.
- Jeff Gordon,
professional race car driver.
- Jennifer
Graham, brain tumor miracle cure, Columbia, S. C.
- Sara R.
Gray, son's wreck; His hand on her shoulder.
- A.C.
Green, former professional basketball player.
- David Green,
founder of Hobby Lobby.
- Roosevelt Grier, incredibly dominating, old-time pro football lineman who became a minister.
- Angela Perez Baraquio
Grey- former Miss America leads thought against abortion.
- Andy Griffith, famous actor a Christian.
- "Guideposts" magazine true story
collection archives.
- Madame Guyon,
famous Christian who taught value of being in prayer at all times.
- Ted
Haggard: fallen evangelist & former
- Bethany
Hamilton, 14 year old "soul surfer", shark bit arm off [do web search].
- Shane Hammon,
Olympic power lifter [do web search].
- M. C. Hammer,
rap musician [do web search].
- George Frideric
Handel, (1685-1759) classical composer...the great Handel's Messiah performed
by 1000s of choirs worldwide each year was miraculously composed in just 24
days! [do web search].
- Tom Hanks,
famous actor a Christian [do web search].
- Regi Harris, NCAA Basketball
- Johnny
Hart, famous cartoonist.
- Mr.
Harvey, "Jesus turned beer into furniture!"
- Steve
Harvey, an American actor, comedian, entertainer, radio
personality and best selling author.
- Health miracles
- Heather, a single mother finds God.
- Dr. Nancy
Heche, survivor of family gay affairs.
- "He Invites" testimony collection
(1000s) web site.
- H. J. Heinz,
Heinz ketchup founder a tithing believer [do web search].
- Matt
Hemingway, 2004 summer Olympics high jump
- Tracy and
Coltyn Hermanstorfer, a mother and son who had slipped
- Orel
Herschiser, professional baseball player [do web search].
- Charlton
Heston, famous actor a Christian [do web search].
- Christopher Hitchens, fiery atheist, believes near the end, HERE.
- Liz Curtis
Higgs, former bad girl writes Bad Girls of the
- about His House Ministries, Lexington County, S. C.
- Randy
Hofman, evangelizes with elaborate beach-sand
- Sheila
Holcomb, from crack addict to minister.
- Evander
Holyfield, professional boxing champion [do web search].
- Dave Hood, website designer has 1994 heart attack, then God leads him to
start a pro sports figure
testimony website with over
1000 testimonies in over 40 pro sports.
- Gov. Ben
Hooper, an illegitimate child becomes Tennessee
- Heather
Hoopes, her boyfriend started taking her to church.
- Rebecca
Hope, redeemed crack addict, Columbia, S. C.
- Christian
Hosoi, Professional Skateboarder.
- Dwight
Howard, was the first overall pick in the NBA
draft in 2004.
- Gov. Mike
Huckabee, governor of Arkansas 1996-present, and former
- Matt
Hughes, 9-time World Welterweight Champion of the
- Todd Huston, mountain
climber, motivational speaker, amputee.
- Kathy
Ireland, fashion super-model proclaims, "...abortion is
- Lily Fishman
Isaacs, Christian Jew matriarch of the Christian singing
group, The Isaacs.
- India ?'s testimony area of her
Christian apologetics website.
- Isaac, rescued from the kingdom of
- Neavei Isaac, Where
Shall I Hide?
- "Its A Miracle", PAX TV's program &
some true stories.
Top ^
- Prayer of
Jabez web site and testimony forum.
- Walter Jabs (1924-2013), USA soldier spares life of German combatant & they become life-long friends.
- Lamar Jackson, 2016 Heisman Trophy winner (youngest ever) thanks God first (the article lists many who have done the same).
- Mahalia Jackson, famous Christian [do web search].
- Quinton "Rampage"
Jackson, mixed martial artist fighting for
the UFC.
- John
Jacobs, 6' 4", 270lbs & once the second
strongest man in America...he & other powerful men found Jesus.
- Kelly N. Jeffcoat,
RN, facing breast cancer since 2001 brought
her to a higher plane, West Columbia, S. C.
- Gianna
Jessen, singer & late abortion survivor
at 7.5 months & 2 pounds causing cerebral palsy (& )
- Walter Johantgen, M. D.....smashed face & life & was
cured, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1998.
- Dr. Willie Jolley, "A setback is a setup for a comeback" (HERE), a fired jazz singer replaced by a karaoke machine & then got theological degree & degree in psychology & is a top-ranked motivational speaker!
- Martha Jenkins
Jones...a medical miracle cure healing of a
spiritual-based "chronic fatigue syndrome" case.
- "Journey to the
Cross", former Easter event, Northside Baptist Church, West Columbia, S. C.
- "Jesus Junction"
testimony collection.
- Jesus Daily website of miracles & inspiring stories.
- Avery Johnson NBA Dallas
- Phillip Johnson, intellectual law
professor proves errors of the theory...the religion...of evolution.
- George Jones (1931-2013), of Saratoga, Texas, Country Music legend (born 1933) asks Jesus to hit him in the head with a sledge hammer if He has to.
- Lori "Lolo" Jones (1982-), famous track 100 meter hurdles star who came back from a spinal cord problem to win again!
- Jackie Joyner-Kersee, great pro track athlete on service to others (re Jesus @ 5:00).
- Connie Jumper (1958-2013), Lexington, S. C. pastor's (The Harvest Church) wife alive & delivered from widespread cancer in about 1980 until a return of cancer in 2013.
Top ^
- Anil Kant- a
Hindu convert and famous gospel singer
- John
Kasay, NFL Carolina Panthers.
- Curtis Kelley, As
former professional boxer, now turned Hollywood pastor, Bishop Curtis
"Earthquake" Kelley is sharing his powerful anointed message with
people around the world.
- Hunter
Kemper, Olympic triathlete [do web search].
- William
Kent, quadriplegic healed by God.
- Francis Scott
Key, (1779-1843) lawyer...composer...Star Spangled
- Alan
Keyes, black U.S. Presidential candidate.
- Dwayne King, friend of Lexington County, S. C. surgeon, Terry Norton & founder of missionary pilots organization, Kingdom Air Corps.
MINISTRY, Skateboarding Team.
- Margaret
King, North Charleston, S.C., a life changed by a "cold
call" visit by church folk.
- Martin Luther King,
Jr., famous civil rights leader and Christian.
- Donna Kirkland, Lexington, S. C. near death experience (about NDEs, HERE)!
- Jesse
Klassen of Canada wrecks car in 2002, faces jail, and
Jesus shows up.
- Nikita
Koloff, Professional Wrestling NWA Hall of Fame.
- Kurt
Kolstad, reknowned drummer for bands delivered from drug
addiction to a restored life.
- J. L.
Kraft, (1874-1953) had Mennonite parents & became
founder of the Kraft Cheese Corporation...a huge tither.
- Kristin, felled by encephalitis in 1995, she
sees Jesus.
- Kathryn
Kuhlman, famous Christian.
Top ^
- Coach Tom
Landry, Dallas Cowboys legend.
- Vince Lombardi, Green Bay Packers
head coach.
- Timothy T. LaFond, from hell to the
glory of God.
- Nancy
Lane, PhD., suicide attempts; hardened atheist (โlogical positivism") professor
- Sgt. Jesse
Lanter of Fort Mill, S. C., 3/21/03 Iraqi
War hero as a new Christian...40 days prayer & fasting.
- Ron
Lantz, truckers' prayers lead to arrest of
2002 D. C. sniper murderers.
- Tom
Lehman - professional golfer.
- Meadowlark Lemon, former basketball player, Harlem Globetrotters.
- Justin Leonard, pro golfer [& do web search].
- Rev. Kimo
Leopoldo, UFC martial arts champ from
- Leonard Lesord, founder "Guidepost Magazine" [& do web
- R. G. LeTourneau, industrialist committed his business to Jesus & tithes 90%.
- Clive Staples ("Jack")
Lewis, atheist intellectual convert becomes
premier philosophical proponent of Jesus.
- Eric Liddell, track Olympian, "Chariots of Fire" [& do web
- Life of Christ
Pageant, Easter drama, Batesburg-Leesville,
S. C.
- David Limbaugh, commentator & author of Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of the Gospel.
- Rush Limbaugh is a believer and explains (1) how his dad got "belief" into a young boy's head and (2) explains why young college kids avoid Christianity, HERE.
- President Abraham Lincoln.
- Johnathan Lippmann, tells his
- Livin It, Skateboarding
- Tab
Livingston, math professor helps persecuted
- Silas
Long, little known Arkansas
pastor who fled God's call.
- Chaplain Art Lyons,
II... jail ministry & testimonies
(RPJM), California.
- Martin
Luther, law student struck by
Top ^
- Barbara Mandrell, country musician [do web search].
- Angel
Manfredy, satanic suicidal druggie; now
boxing champion.
- Sarah
Manley, assured by God of her cancer
- Mickey Charles
Mantle, great Yankees baseball slugger finally accepts
- "Pistol" Pete Maravich, professional basketball player...one of all-time greats!
- Susan
Marcus, tour guide in Israel...son's
miracle cure.
- Noah
Markham, tiniest (frozen embryo) survivor of hurricane
Katrina (HERE & via CATEGORY).
- Kirk Martin, "black-metal musician" sold his soul to Satan but encountered the Hound of Heaven (HERE & links to incredible video)!
- Barry
Mayson, former Hell's Angel biker, became
minister (now deceased), HERE.
- story of the McCaughey septuplets.
- Patrick Cleburne "Clebe"
McClary III, Florence, S. C. marine blown up in Vietnam War
becomes Christian motivational speaker.
- John C. Morgan, President George W. Bush impersonator & author of a book on overcoming shyness & fear so as to be who you are called to be, My Life As A Bush: ...and My Heart for Imitating Jesus; his website, HERE. We met him at a gate in the San Antonio airport 6 Oct. 2016.
- Caspar McCloud, Broadway musician
saved and healed of heart failure.
- Norma
McCorvey (1947-2017), Roe vs. Wade subject...abortion;
now minister, HERE.
- John W.
McCoy: Sumter man is, by miraculous timing, survivor of brain
- Cori McDaris, healed from sexual
- Josh
McDowell, "More Than A
- "Dr. Phil" Phillip Calvin McGraw, Psychologist TV show host; accepted Christ as savior at age 12.
- Steve McQueen Hollywood actor finds the
- Henrietta Mears what one woman can
do to change the world.
- Paula Hodges
Miles, having breast cancer turned out to
be the best thing that ever happened to her!
- Sara Miles, raised as an
- Norm Miller, Chairman of the Board, Interstate Batteries.
- David C. Mims, Sr.; his life was a regular Christian's quiet ministry to others.
- Mike Minter, football player for the
Carolina Panthers.
- Jerry
Mitchell, he saw "Mississippi Burning" and
went on a crusade for murder justice.
- Dwight Lyman "D. L." Moody, uneducated shoe salesman becomes great
- Charlotte Diggs "Lottie"
Moon, holocaust survivor;
Christian missionary.
- Ken
Moore, former Viet Nam War Airborne
Ranger becomes a missionary.
- Samuel Morris, African tribe youth comes to America = famous Christian.
- John D.
Mosgrove, former RCAF officer, spent years
dealing with demons.
- Malcolm Muggeridge, brilliant atheist or agnostic, went on a quest to disprove Christianity & became so convince of the truth of Christianity that he became known as "God's Gargoyle", HERE.
- Jack "Murph the Surf" Murphy, jewel thief now ministers to prisoners.
- William J. Murray, the son of deceased atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair
(the son she used as plaintiff, ban school prayer Supreme Court case) turns to Jesus in 1980 (at age 33) & writes a book. Forensic Files episode #111, "Without a Prayer" is about her 1995 death. [do web
search, Netflix, etc.].
- Dikembe Mutombo - professional
basketball player.
Top ^
- Israel
Narvaez, Brooklyn gang leader turns to
- Bernard
Nathanson, M. D., abortion doctor, Jew,
movie & book publisher.
- Ryan Nece, NFL Tampa Bay
- Jeremy
Neitz, hero of the Wedgewood Church
massacre 15 September 1999.
- Andrew Nelson- a miracle healing
- Sgt. Jennifer Denise
Nelson, 8th grade teacher and Army defender
of the USA.
- Tracy
Nesbit, flesh-eating bacteria
- Issac Newton (1642-1726/27), key figure of the Scientific Revolution (HERE & Wikipedia).
- Rev. John
Newton, slave, slave trader, wretch,
preacher & hymn writer: "Amazing Grace".
- Terry
Nichols, Oklahoma City bomber
co-conspirator...worst case of USA domestic terrorism as of June 2004.
- Chuck Norris, famous actor, "Walker Texas Ranger", a Christian (Wikipedia).
- Deborah Norvill - network TV news anchor [do web search].
- Houston
Nutt, God's plan for this college football
Top ^
Oberammergau, the longest running
Passion Play in the world (360+ years!).
Rev. [name
withheld], athlete, former gang member,
former paraplegic, now minister.
Jojo de Olivenca, Professional
Omartian, movie star who "gave up"; found
love; now book author.
Bill O'Reilly, creator & host of the highly popular O'Reilly Factor on TV.
Orr, evangelist from dysfunctional family
& out of Mormonism.
Overcomers Outreach, the story behind the founders (1977, Bob & Pauline ?) and the
organization that is responsible for 1000s of support groups related to all sorts of addictions & disorders.
Top ^
- "Manny" Pacquiao, one of greatest boxers of all time
- Christopher
Parkening, famous classical
- Dr. Gary
Parker, former advocate of teaching
Darwinian evolution...embraces creation...link to other testimonies.
- Larstella "Star" Irby
Parker, black former welfare queen...the
way out of the ghetto & street gangs.
- Dolly Parton, country musician [do web search].
- Blaise
Pascal, brilliant mathematician and
physicist finds Jesus, motes "God-shaped vacuum", & constructs "Pascal's
- Frank Pastore (atheist who set out to prove no God & converted & wrote book)
- how Saint Patrick's
Day came about & western civilization saved.
- Paul ? and wife have a website
related to getting out of porn & sex addiction.
- Carly
Patterson, 2004 summer Olympics gold
medalist womens' gymnastics.
- Lowell "Bud" Paxxon, founder PAX-TV [do web search].
- Carlton
Pearson, the Gospel of inclusion
- Doug
Pederson, Eagles coach for Super Bowl LII win (Wikipedia).
- James Cash "J. C. "
Penny: founder of the JC Penny
- People Just Like Us: web site with
many testimonies of celebrity athletes, actors, authors, and musicians.
- Edward
Perronet: writer of "All Hail the
- Tyler
Perry: Actor, writer, comedian.
- Peter's Deliverance - From Crack
Addict to Successful Business Owner.
- Andy Pettitte, professional baseball player [do web
- Kyle Petty, Racing for the
- Gene & Jean
Phillips, missionaries...ASAP prayer-chain
activation halts rape & murder of missionaries in Africa.
- Don
Piper, 1989 head-on wreck, pronounced dead but
lives...700 Club...wrote book about being in heaven: see Godtube.com videos.
- Col. Phillip R. Pittman, was involved with Operation White Coat, which used religious Conscientious Objectors to test regarding dealing with germ warfare risks and vaccination. My classmate, Robert T. "Ted" Hussey worked under Col. Pittman (who was the Mississippi son of a black sharecroper who took "ladders of opportunity" that lead to a Harvard education, etc., and is a Christian).
- Leonard Pitts,
Jr., black Miami Herald newspaper
- Dawndy Mercer Plank, of WIS-TV; fine Christian & suffers divorce [do web search].
- Charlie Plumb, motivational speaker,
former Vietnam P. O. W.
- David Pollack, NFL Cincinnati
- Elena Popkov, miraculously survives, sucked into storm drain in flash flood (short video interview)
- Kirsten A.
Powers, media commentator snagged by The Hound of Heaven.
- Margaret Fishback
Powers, author of poem, [one set of]
- Rev. Paul
Powers, teenage murderer with abusive
- Benny Prasad, an Indian immigrant who almost resorted to suicide, found Jesus, and is with amazing skill at the panflute & guitar; Wikipedia; YouTube.
- Power of Prayer
series, WIS TV, channel 10, Columbia, S.
- Elvis Presley, singer [do web search; an example]
- Jenna Presley, porn star [joined XXX Church]
- Mark Price - former professional
basketball player.
- Robert B. Price,
Sr., sends 1390 birthday cards per
- Frankie
Puckett, cancer elevated her relationship
with God.
- Albert Pujols, MLB player for the St. Louis
Top ^
Top ^
- Racers For Christ: Christian
Ministry To Motor Racing Community.
- Garland Ramsey, founder of His House ministry in central South
- Norman
Rasmussen, God repairs a war torn, alcohol damaged
life to produce an excellent ministry
collection of testimonies & web help (see
- Julie
Reagan, could hardly talk at age 30 &
now has her master's degree...cerebral palsy miracle.
- Ronald Wilson
Reagan, (1911-2004) 40th President of the
- Rebecca delivered from crack
cocaine in 1998.
- Michael Redd, NBA Milwaukee
- John Fletcher Redman, M.
D., top urologist in Arkansas wasn't going
to be a weakling Christian.
- Della Reese, singer & actor, "Touched by an Angel", a Christian.
- Dan Reeves, professional football coach.
- Frank Reich, QB engineered the greatest college and NFL come backs in
- Florinette
Renfrow, 2002 South Carolina mother of the
- Mary Lou Retton, former gymnastics Olympic Gold Medalis (scroll to "athletes, other".
- Matias
Reyes, convicted murderer coverts and
confesses to God and the police.
- Anne
Rice, former author of dark-side &
vampire books now spreading light.
- Condoleeza Rice,
PhD., a black, Southern "steel magnolia"
& US Secretary of State 2005.
- Robert Clinton "Bobby"
Richardson, South Carolinians become Yankee
lovers in 1955.
- Mark
Richt, UGA head football coach...a "higher
- Rev. David Ring, born in 1953 with
severe cerebral palsy; mom died & he wanted to committ suicide but found Jesus & became convinced that "I am blessed."; popular evangelist since 1973.
- Mayor W. M. "Mac"
Rish, multiple myeloma cure, West Columbia,
S. C.
- Mariano Rivera, MLB New York
- Brian Roberts, MLB Baltimore
- David Robinson - professional
basketball player.
- Eugene Robinson, professional football player (Wikipedia).
- Beth
Robles, faces breast cancer...sees God on a
higher plain.
- J.D. Rockefeller, Sr. said, "I never would have been able to
tithe the first million dollars I ever made if I had not tithed my first salary, which was
$1.50 per week."
- Danny
Rogers, "My slogan was 'a friend with weed
is a friend indeed' ".
- Fred
Rogers, actor, "Mr. Rogers Neighborhood",
ordained minister.
- Roy Rogers, cowboy movie and TV star [do web
- J. K. Rowling, creator of Harry Potter series..suicidal at age 30, (brief video-bio) HERE and (religion) HERE; turned her life around and now worth billions.
Top ^
- Kamal
Saleem, Lebanese Muslim terrorist at age 7
& now for Jesus
- Samuel, A Testimony of
- Frankie
San, ministered in prison @ dreaded CCI 40
- Diego "Nightmare"
Sanchez, mixed martial artist with the
- Barry
Sanders, greatest NFL football running
- Deion Sanders, professional football and baseball player [do web
- Salvation
Army, story behind it.
- Baby Saybie, 2019 world record tiniest (8.6 ounces) baby surviving birth!
- Francis Schaeffer, theologian and thinker, he successfully challenged
the secularists [do web search].
- "Terri" Theresa Marie Schindler Schiavo: ignites national controversy over "persistent vegetative state", HERE.
- Charles Monroe Schultz, "Peanuts"
- John Schneider, actor, "The Dukes of Hazzard".
- Dr. Suzy
Schwab, established a non-profit mobile
free medical clinic, MedMission.
- Joseph
Scriven, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus"
hymn writer (1855), coming out of despair.
- Will Seagraves, for a long time drugs won, until God took command in
an addict's life [do web search].
- William Joseph Seymour, famous Christian [do web search].
- David
Shaw, a Mennonite experience.
- Ervin
Shaw, M. D. and a doctor friend's story of alcoholic son & another friend's gift
of speaking in tongues.
- Gifford
Shaw, of Sumter, S. C.: terrorism in flight
(2000) over Kenya.
- John L.
Sherrill, an author skeptic investigates
"speaking in tongues" (about 1980).
- Phillip
Simmons, 92 year old expert & acclaimed
wrought iron black smith artist.
- A. B. Simpson [do web search].
- A. B.
Skelton, a quiet and effective personal
witness in Greenville, S. C.
- Pete
Smoak, miracle rattle snake bite survivor
(2000), Branchville, S. C.
- John Smoltz, professional baseball player [do web search].
- Ashley
Smith, heroine in the Brian Nichols
shooting spree of March 2005.
- Rev. Chuck
Smith, founder (1970's) Calvary Chapel
Church, California.
- Emmitt Smith, professional football player [do web search].
- Lovie Smith, NFL Chicago
- Robert Anthony "Tony" Snow (1955-2008), a wonderful man and first host of Fox News Sunday, HERE.
- the Souper
Bowl, national event, football Super Bowl
time, of Columbia, S. C. 1990...became national.
- Horatio G.
Spafford, Chicago hymn writer (1873)..."It
is Well With My Soul": hymn's story told.
- Tanya Sparks, a preacher's wife
gets saved.
- Kenny
Speer, a gifted singer who loves to share
his music with others.
- Jordan A. Spieth, an amazing young world champion professional golfer.
- Rev. Charles Haddon
Spurgeon, great preacher in London in
- Stacey, drug addict finds
- Paul Stankowski, pro golfer [do web search].
- Jeffery
Stanley- He Was Carrying A
- Danielle Steele, author [do web search].
- Eric Stetson, Christian
Universalism testimonies link page.
- Lee
Strobel, atheistic superstar investigative
reporter converts (1981) to Jesus belief and is popular author defending
Christianity (his story).
- James M. "Jimmy" Stewart,
(1908-1997) famous actor was a devout
believer (Christianity Today & Wikipedia & his museum).
- Ted
Stone (1934-2006), of Durham, N. C.; thief & almost
murderer; alcohol & drug addict; transcontinental walker (1997-2000); seminary Board
member (his story).
- Howard Storm (1946-), aggressively atheist professor converts (here) after hellish NDE & writes books & movie being made, be comes ordained minister (Wikipedia).
- Daryl Strawberry (1962-), black professional baseball great (Wikipedia).
- Sofia Sobonj, protected by God
during assault (HERE).
- Donnie Sumner, Gaither Gospel singer.
- Rev. Billy
Sunday, greatest evangelist of early
- Dabo Swinney (was born William Christopher Swinney. His older brother, Tripp, started calling him "That Boy," which became "Dabo," the name by which he has been known his entire life), famous Clemson University football coach has an incredible Christian life story, HERE & (following Clemson national championship win) HERE; National Champ win over Alabama 1/2019 was awesome; awesome impact of Dabo having David Saville (Down's syndrome) as his long-utime & beloved equipment manager, HERE.
Top ^
- Joni Eareckson
Tada, broke her neck...quadriplegic for
Jesus; her web site [here].
- Stanley Tam, of United States Plastic Corp., reversed his tithe and
gives 90% to God [do web search].
- Tim
Tebow, college football star & 2007 Heisman Trophy winner (Wikipedia, HERE).
- Brianna
Temple, drowned & back to life,
Columbia, S. C.
- John
Templeton, famous founder of the Templeton
mutual funds.
- Testimony collection
websites, a group listing here.
- Testimony links
- Dave Thomas, founder, Wendy's [do web search].
- Steve Thomas
, began the Groom, Texas Cross, one of the largest (190 feet tall) Christian crosses in North America just off I-40 & surrounded by welded statues personally made.
- Carlton Thompson, a Columbia, S. C. male nurse is an arch USC gamecock basketbal fan known as "Gamecock Jesus" and usually wears a tee shirt with the message, BELIEVE. I don't know for sure if he is Christian, but he certainly has countless fans aware of the name of Jesus. Google Gamecock Jesus.
- Marianne
Tutalo, pop singer, bulemia miracle
- This Man Called
Jesus Christmas-time live drama, Lake
Murray Baptist Church, S. C.
- Rev. Dr. George
Thomasson of Texarkana, Arkansas, alcoholic
parents (born about 1943).
- Eva
Threatt, cured of abdominal carcinomatosis
about 1950, Greenville, S. C.
- J. R. R. Tolkien, author, The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings [do web
- LaDainian
Tomlinson, outstanding pro football running
- A. W. Tozer, prolific author [do web search].
- Randy Travis, country singer [do web search].
- Karla Faye
Tucker, murderer; 1st capital punishment
(1998) female death in Texas.
- Ted
Turner, a wealthy, backslidden
- David Tyree, NFL New York
Top ^
- Paul M Umbaugh III, facing a lot of
surgery, but did not to lose heart. He kept his faith in God, HERE.
- Under
God: America...under God or
- Unknown, The Big Wheel Angels made
our Christmas, HERE.
- Unknown, Gamblers'
- Unknown mechanic in Chapin,
S. C.: he has the courage to
- "Unshackled", radio's longest running testimony
series of lives changed by Jesus.
Top ^
Top ^
- Gov. & Lt. Gen. Lew
Wallace, novelist...movie Ben
- Walid, Jihad to Christ.
- Herschel Walker, NFL football player and MMA fighter.
- Terry Wallis recovers in 2006 from 20 years (at first in a coma) in a
"minimally conscious state". [Google search]
- Sam Walton, founder, Walmart [do web search].
- Kurt
Warner, pro football player.
- J. R. Walters, M.
D., artery aneurysm stroke of 2002
thwarted...miraculous timing health miracle in Irmo, S. C.
- Anna B.
Warner, composer of words to "Jesus Loves
- George Washington - U.S.
- J. C. Watts, U. S. Congressman.
- Essie Mae
Washington-Williams, black daughter of
white US Sen. James Strom Thurmond of Edgefield, S. C.
- Tony
Watcher, of Sumter, colon
- Buddy
Waters, freely gives so much in Greer, S.
- Ethel Waters, famous Christian [do web search].
Benjamin Watson, NFL player (Wikipedia); his book.
- Wayne, shares his
testimony. Former alcoholic & drug addict who was ready to commit
- The story of Noah
Webster, Bible teacher and author of America's first dictionary.
- Thomas B. Welch, M.D., (1825-1903) Welch Grape Juice Company founder a
devout believer [do web search].
- Chris
Wells, he wants to talk with those who
practice Wicca witch craft.
- Charles Wesley [do web search].
- John Wesley [do web search].
- Susanna Wesley [do web search].
- Carl E.
West, 41 year old's death in 2002 began a
West Columbia, S. C. church.
- Lisa Whelchel, "Facts of Life" TV
- evangelist Roger Whipp, "from cop to
Christ", London England...he "okayed" turning off life support for his Christian wife; they
flipped the "off " switch & she started breathing!!
- Reggie
White, (1961-2004)all-pro football player,
once NFL all-time leader in sacks...became a preacher.
- Evan
Whitlock, prayers &auto wreck
- H. A. Maxwell
Whyte, minister of deliverance from demonic
- Hattie May
Wiatt, the little girl who left 57 cents
when she died & it became Temple University.
- Bill Wiese, see his book "23 Minutes in Hell" about his going to Hell
and see videos @ Godtube.com
- Rev. David
Wilkerson, loved New York street gangsters
to Jesus & The Cross and the Switchblade tells it all...visit his church in Times
- Marijohn
Wilkin, great country & gospel song
writer ("One Day at a Time")...what a story!
- Gerri Willis, Fox Business News commentator about her breast cancer turning out to be a blessing!
- Bill
Wilson, founder of Alcoholics
- Ron
Winans - I Shall Not Die But Live
- Frank
Wise, Seneca, S. C., black & gets white
preacher's bone marrow...true black & white compatibility.
- Brian
Wofford, ABC's home edition Extreme
- Carlos Wood, pastored Joel Baptist Church for 33+ years.
- Maria B. Woodworth-Etter, famous Christian [do web search].
- F. W. Woolworth, founder of the old Woolworth dime stores, was a
famous tither [do web search].
- "Word
Power" amazing true stories on radio by the Bible League.
- "Word to Live By" true
stories collection by Radio Bible Conference.
- "Worldwide Challenge" magazines
testimony collection.
- Justin Wren, from druggie to MMA fighter to missionary (HERE) to pygmies in Africa
- William Wrigley Jr., (1862-1932) founder of Wrigley chewing gum &
famous for tithing [do web search].
- Richard Wurmbrand imprisoned 14
years for being a Christian pastor, is founder of The Voice of the Martyrs
- story of WWJD..."What would Jesus
Top ^
- Jay
Yelas, triple-crown winning bass fishing
- Y______, plucked from a
pirate-infested sea in 1980s.
- Alvin York: conscientous objector drafted and becomes famous WWI medal of honor awardee!
- Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of a founding leader of Hamas says "Islam is a very dark theory". He converted to non-denominational Christianity in 1999.
- Ma
Yuqin, tortured (in 2002) & persecuted
in China & wouldn't break.
- Louis "Louie" Zamperini (died July 2014), a never-give-up olympian, military hero, alcoholic & broken man is subject of the CFS sufferer, Laura Hillenbrand, book & the subsequent movie, "Unbroken", and finds a real life in Christ (do a web search).
- Ravi
Zacharias (1966-present): East Indian Hindu
becomes a great defender of Jesus.
- Zig Ziggler (1926-2012): motivational speaker.
- ?.
?., around-the-world bone marrow
Top ^