The Truth... What is it?

Topical Index of Miraculous Christian Testimonies

This listing is Just the Tip of the Iceberg!

[***editing still in process: if no link on a name, put the name into this web site's search box. If no "hits", use name in an internet search engine & check You Tube, etc.]

 abortion cases/doctors (Tiniest [survivor] Babies Network; and the Abortion Survivors Network); Life Issues Institute listings related to abortion survivors.

  • Samuel Alexander Armas (1999-) a pic of his hand sticking from mom's uterus incision prior to birth (the Hand of Hope) went viral on the internet! (Wikipedia).
  • Finley Crampton, was concieved when mom on birth control pills & survived his mother's abortion at 8 weeks following her 2 prior births dying young of kidney disease (#1 HERE).
  • Claire Culwell, survived her 13 y/o mom's attempt to abort her but only got her twin & Claire's mom went back & they refused another attempt & she was born at 7 months (HERE & YouTube).
  • Keira Harmsworth, survived her 16 y/o mom's attempt to abort her at 10 weeks (#2 HERE).
  • Carrie Holland-Fischer, survived her mom's attempt to abort her (#3 HERE & her GodTube video).
  • Nik Hoot, a Siberian Russian survived his mom's attempt to abort him at 24 weeks (HERE & YouTube wrestling).
  • Gianna Jessen, survived her mom's attempt to abort her at 5 months (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Abby Johnson (1980-), former ardent Planned Parenthood clinic director becomes pro-life & subject of the movie, Unplanned (Wikipedia Abby & Wikipedia Unplanned).
  • Brandi Lozier, survived her mom's attempt to abort her at 4 months (HERE).
  • Noah Markham, rescued as frozen embryo during hurricane Katrina (HERE & HERE & HERE).
  • Norma McCorvey (1947-2017), the subject of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision allowing legalized abortion [which eliminates way more blacks than other ethnicities] & Norma changed to pro-life (HERE & Wikipedia & ex. = Michigan stats).
  • Bernard Nathanson, M. D. (1926-2011), big-time abortionist doctor turns pro-life (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Melissa Ohden (1977-), a white survivor baby of an @ 18-31 week gestation (weighed 2 lbs 14 ounces) saline abortion...testifying before the US Senate in April 2019, she declared that she personally knows 281 such survivors (You Tube video; Wikipedia).
  • Josiah Presley, survived his Korean mom's attempt to abort him at months & mom then chose life for him & to give him up for adoption (HERE & YouTube).
  • Dr. Imre Teglasy, survived his mother's own self-attempted abortion (#5 HERE).

 actors/ actresses

  • Gary Busey (1944-), actor (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Kirk Cameron (1970-), film maker & director (HERE & see list & conversion on Wikipedia)
  • Jean Carson (1923-2005), actress, especially in Andy Griffith show   (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Teri Copley (1961-), actress (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Jim Caviezel (1968-), actor & played Jesus in movie, The Passion of the Christ (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Robert Duvall (1931-), favorite is The Apostle (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Jane Fonda (1937-), leftist actress & Vietnam War agitator (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Mel Gibson (1956-), movie actor and film maker...The Passion of the Christ is my favorite & Hacksaw Ridge next (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Andy Griffith (1926-2012), old-timey TV actor (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Tom Hanks (1956-) & his wife, famous actor (HERE & Wikipedia and HERE).
  • Charlton Heston (1923-2008), old timey movie actor (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Steve McQueen (1930-1980), old timey movie actor; how the King of Cool met the King of Kings (HERE) & (Wikipedia).
  • Chuck Norris (1940-), martial arts, movie actor & producer (Wikipedia).
  • Anthony Quinn (1915-2001), old timey actor (Wikipedia).
  • Della Reese (1931-2017), black/native-American biracial actress & singer  (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • John Schneider (1960-), actor & country music singer (Wikipedia).
  • "Jimmy" James Stewart (1908-1997), old timey movie actor (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • J. R. R. Tolkien (1893-1973), English writer & poet & famous for Lord of the Rings & led C. S. Lewi out of atheism (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Lisa Whelchel (1963-), actress, singer, songwriter, author, and public speaker (HERE & Wikipedia).


  • Alcoholics for Christ , an alternative (HERE) to AA (AA founder's testimony HERE).
  • Dan Arbuckle (about 1976-), drinker &, in trouble with parents, @ age 29 decided to party/drink a week & then do suicide (HERE).
  • Connie Beswick, panic attacks drove her to alcohol & got gang raped, etc. (her testimony no longer online).
  • Bill Carrigan (about 1950-), drinking & rebellious Chicagoan  (HERE).
  • Friend of this website author (not named), HERE.
  • George Jones (1931-2013), famous country music legend (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Tim Pickl, (about 1964-)went to college & completely lead astray by a Values Clarification class & became alcoholic (HERE).
  • Brian Wofford (about 1954-), polluted during higher education & into alcohol, he remembered his father's advice, "If you ever find yourself in trouble, call out upon the name of Christ" (HERE).

 always Christians

  • Sandy Carlson Becker (1943-), made huge impact through the Jesus Film Project (HERE & HERE & Wikipedia).

 amazing conversions

  • Todd Beezley (maybe about 1965-), born with brittle bone disease, he thought God hated him until he had an NDE (his story = HERE).
  • Steve Beren (1951-), nominally Jewish & became a socialist & then atheist & then Christian (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • George Foreman (1949-), incredible heavy-weight boxer has Hound of Heaven rescue (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Kurtis Kolstad (1951-2017), became drummer & druggy (HERE).
  • Sara Miles (1952-), raised an atheist = author & founder of The Food Pantry (HERE [note videos] & HERE).
  • Kim Phuc Phan Thi (the little Napalm Bomb Girl of Vietnam) (1963-): "These Bombs Lead Me To Christ", (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • LaDainian Tomlinson (1979-), pro football player (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Ravi Zacharias (1946-), from India, famous Christian; an atheist until the age of 17 when he tried to commit suicide by swallowing poison (HERE & Wikipedia).


  • Leah Fitzgerald (about 1984-), S. C. girl gowing up blind (Batten's disease0 & artist graduated high school in 2002 (HERE). 
  • Randy Hofman (1952-), incredible beach sand sculptor artist (HERE).
  • Philip Simmons (1912-2009), black male wrought-iron gate artist in Charleston, S. C. (HERE & Wikipedia).

 atheists and scientists believing in Creation

  • Ken Ham (1951-), white male founder of Answers in Genesis, USA (Creation Museum & Ark Encounter projects, HERE).
  • Bill Hayden (1933-), white male famous Australian govenor-general atheist finds God at age 85 after a stroke (web; Wikipedia).
  • Gary Parker (1941-), Institute for Creation Research; (HERE) and list of other scientists (HERE).
  • Howard Storm (1946-), Chair Art Dept. Northern Kentucky University & had hellish NDE & converted, wriiten books about it, & became ordained minister (YouTube & Wikipedia).
  • Roger Whipp (about 1911-), white modern times former atheist policeman in London, (HERE).
  • Roger Whipp (about 1911-), white modern times former atheist policeman in London, (HERE).

athletes' stories website

  • The Goal website, bio stories site 
  • Franco Santoriello about 1968-(), Italian-American greatest male teen body builder ever & got drug addicted then called out to God & founded JACK'DUP4JESUS.

 attempted suicide

  • Kim Avery (maybe 1990-), unhappy teen (HERE) decides to committ suicide but...
  • Wayne (about 1970-), decided to committ suicide (HERE) but there was a knock on his door.

 authors (Wikipedia fiction author LIST)

  • G.K Chesterson (1874-1936), genius author of his time (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Finis Jennings Dake (1902-1987), wrote an annotated Bible (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Dinesh D'Souza (1961-) Indian immigrant USA citizen born in 1961 & brilliant thinker, author (one book in 2007: What's So Great About Christianity, Regnery Publishing ) & film maker jailed by the Obama administration for petty charges, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Liz Curtis Higgs (1954-), former bad girl writes "Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible: ...". (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • C.S Lewis (1898-1963), great British writer & explainer of Christianity, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Bernard Nathanson (1926-2011), abortion doctor later producing movie, Silent Scream & writing a book & quoted as saying legalized abortion is "the most atrocious holocaust in the history of the United States" (yet, in 2017, Planned Parenthood still claims to be "doing good" for women (& could not care less about the unborn), (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Edward Perronet (1726-1792), author of hymn, "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name", (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Margaret Fishback Powers (1943-), Canadian author (disputed) of poem, "Footprints in the Sand", (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Anne Rice (1941-), an American writer most famous for The Vampire Chronicles, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • John Rosemond (1947- ), parenting guru common sense, conservative and Christian speaker & author (website)(Face Book) (Wikipedia).
  • John L. Sherrill (1923-), he wrote several famous Christian books, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Danielle Steele (1947-), in 2017 she is the best selling author alive & 4th best in all time,  (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • A.W. Tozer (1897-1963), accepted Christ after hearing a street preacher; American pastor & author, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Lew Wallace (1827-1905), "wore many hats" but famous as author of Ben Hur, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Lisa Whelchel (1963-), actress, singer, songwriter, author, and public speaker (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Bill Wiese (about 1950-), 23 minutes in Hell,  (HERE & Wikipedia).

  back from death

  • Drowned Boy (1998-) , 4 years old in pool with many & goes under but lives (HERE...has a NDE).
  • Buddy Farris (about 1955-), previous Chief of Police in Dayton, Va., hit by drunk driver (HERE).
  • Tracy & Coltyn Hermanstorfer, just after her C-section, he thought his dead wife's baby just died in his arms after removal from his dead, pregnant wife & both lived (HERE).
  • Don Piper (about 1955-), Baptist minister experienced it & wrote book, "90 Minutes in Heaven"  (HERE & FaceBook & Wikipedia).
  • Peggy Michelle Sanders (1976-), was thought dead at birth in Charleston, S. C. & doctor called in to pronounce the death, (HERE).
  • Brianna Temple (about 1993-), Columbia, S. C. &, as 4 year old, falls in pool & drowns (HERE).

  bad girls

  • Iris Blue (about 1962-), white, rebellious teen jailbird, (HERE; Testimony series site; HERE & husband, Duane, HERE).
  • Liz Curtis Higgs (-), bad white girl & now an author, (HERE).
  • "Star" Larstella Irby Parker (-), bad black welfare queen & now conservative advocate & author, (HERE).
  • Heather Veitch (-), white girl raped & became stripper & then "pussy cat preacher" (YouTube & Wikipedia & her IMBD site).
  • No ID (-), Northerner female went bad & miraculous transformation, (HERE).

  baseball players & coaches

  • Lance Berkman (1976- ), (testimony & Wikipedia).
  • Jamey Carroll (1974- ),  (his story &Wikipedia).
  • Dave Dravecky (1956- ), (testimony Wikipedia).
  • J.D. Drew (1975- ), (Wikipedia).
  • Orel Hershiser (1958- ), (Wikipedia).
  • Meadowlark Lemon (1932-2015), (Wikipedia).
  • Mickey Mantle (1931-1995), (testimony & Wikipedia).
  • Andy Pettitte (1972- ), (Wikipedia).
  • Albert Pujols (1980- ), (Wikipedia).
  • Mariano Rivera (1969- ), (Wikipedia).
  • Brian Roberts (1977-), white (story & Wikipedia).
  • Jackie Robinson (1919-1972), black man who broke the racial segregation color barrier in MLB (Break Point story & Wikipedia).
  • Deion Sanders (1967-), black "Prime Time" NFL & ML baseball player (story & Wikipedia).
  • Chris Singleton (about 1996-), black & a college soph. baseball player at the time his mother was killed in the 2015 AME Church massacre in Charleston, S. C., he publically focused the community on: โ€œLove is always stronger than hate.โ€ Charleston did not burn, and the Confederate flage was peacefully removed from the statehouse grounds in Columbia & retired to the museum, (HERE).
  • John Smoltz (1967-), white Atlanta Braves pitcher (CBN story & Wikipedia).

 basketball players & coaches

  • "Lefty" Driesell (1931-), white famous college coach (Wikipedia).
  • Seth Franco (-), the first white Harlem Globetrotter (his story).
  • A.C. Green (1963-), black NBA player, record for most consecutive games played (his story & Wikipedia).
  • Regie Harris (-), black college player who suffered "hoops vs. dope" (his story)
  • Dwight Howard (1985-), black NBA player (his story & Wikipedia).
  • LeBron James (1984-), black & second greatest pro basketball player (see Ladders..., below).
  • Avery Johnson (1965-), black pro player then college coach (his story & Wikipedia) .
  • Michael Jordan (1963-), black & greatest pro basketball player ever (Wikipedia).
  • Dikembe Mutombo (1966-), black NBA player (#15 on list of 50 & his story & Wikipedia).
  • "Pistol" Pete Maravich (1947-1988), white NBA playr & best ball handler of all time (Wikipedia).
  • Mark Price (1964-), white NBA player & coach (his story & Wikipedia).
  • Michael Redd (1979-), black NBA player (his story & Wikipedia).
  • David Robinson(1965-), (his story & Wikipedia).
  • Coach Vic Schaefer (1961-), a fabulous white college womens' basketball coach and his daughter Blair Schaefer (team player) are active Christians & key parts of the 2018 NCAA championship semifinal game, HERE.
  • Frank Selvy (1932-), a white, fabulous college basketball player for Furman Univeristy remains the first & only Division 1 player to score (in 1954) 100 points in a game (Wikipedia).
  • Coach Pat Summitt (1952-2016), fabulous white college womens' basketball coach became demented; she and her son baptized together in 2012 (HERE & Wikipedia).

 birth (major) defects

  • Nick Vujicic, born without legs or arms (& others, too, HERE). 


  • Fannie Crosby (1820-1915), Blinded by a quack doctor when less than a year old, she was one of the most prolific hymnists in history with at least 9,000 hymns. (article & Wikipedia).

  BMX sports

  • Chaos on Wheels, (HERE & check video on VIMEO).


  • Chris Byrd (1970-), black heavyweight boxer (testimony & Wikipedia).
  • Ebo Elder (1978-), white lightweight boxer (Wikipedia).
  • George Foreman (1949-), incredible black heavy-weight boxer has Hound of Heaven rescue (HERE Wikipedia).
  • Evander Holyfield (1962-), black heavyweight champion (Wikipedia).
  • Curtis Kelley (-), black former druggie heavyweight (his story).
  • Angel Manfredy (1974-), white MMA fighter (testimony & Wikipedia).
  • Manny Pacquiao (1978-), a Filipino world champion boxer & politician (Wikipedia).

  breast cancer & survivors

  • Annice Canady, black female broke the officiating color-gender barrier, (HERE).
  • Kelly Nance Jeffcoat, nurse navigator in S. C. hospital Breast Cancer Program, (HERE). 
  • Paula Hodges Miles, a friend & says breast cancer may have been the best thing that ever happened to her! (HERE).
  • Beth Robles, her life view changed POSITIVELY & is detailed HERE.
  • Gerri Willis, Fox Business...cancer a blessing (HERE & VIDEO & Wikipedia)

  Buddhist (notable, see Wikipedia) converts

  • The Rev. Kyuzo Miyaishi ("Frankie San") (1929-), Japanese immigrant becomes S. C. prison minister (HERE).
  • No ID, (HERE).

  business owners and/or major business players

  • S. Truett Cathy (1921-2014), began Chic-Fil-A, run by Christian principles (Wikipedia).
  • Adolph Coors, IV (1946-), of the Coors beer family was 14 when his beloved father was murdered & really having problems dealing with the loss & finally realized that there is a "God-shaped vacuum" in every heart, a void that can only be filled by God Himself. (his story).
  • Foster Friess (1940-), In 2018, Forbes named Friess among the 10 Greatest Fund Managers of the generation, along with Warren Buffett and John Templeton. He founed Friess Associates, LLC. Although success came slowly in its early years, the firm grew to over $15.7 billion in assets managed. (Wikipedia).
  • David Green (1941-), founder and CEO of Hobby Lobby, run by Christian principles (Wikipedia).
  • Norm Miller (about 1940-), one time CEO of Interstate Batteries and creates a Christian evangelization platform called I Am Second with video testimonies often on its channel in YouTube (HERE).
  • Harry J. Snyder (1913-1976), founder in 1948 (with his wife) of the famous fast-food chain, In-N-Out Burger (Christian roots of owner granddaughter, HERE and reflected in company culture; founder's Find a Grave memorial).
  • R.G. LeToureau (1888-1969), the "Dean of Earthmoving", (Wikipedia).
  • Rex W. Tillerson (1952-), head of HUGE EXXON Corp. & Secretary of State in the first Trump administration, (Wikipedia).

  cancer cured

  • Nadine Al-asaad (about 1977-), S. C. pathologist's daughter (testimony).
  • Carter Breeland (1939-1997), white S. C. native (testimony).
  • Dave Dravecky (1956-), white major league baseball player (testimony & Wikipedia).
  • Connie Jumper (1957-2013), white S. C. pastor's wife (testimony).
  • Sarah Manley (1916-2008), white S. C. lady beats lymphoma (testimony).
  • Frankie Puckett (about 1954-), white S. C. medical billing expert (testimony).
  • Mac Rish (1942-2003), white former West Columia, S. C. mayor (testimony).
  • Tony Michael Watcher (1960-2005), white Citadel grad. with colon cancer in Sumter, S. C. (testimony).


  Catholic converts

  • Joseph Conroy (-), white Catholic changes (his story).
  • Van Patrick Cagulada (-), (his story).

  charitable founders

  • Alcoholics Anonymous cofounder - Bill Wilson (1895-1971),white alcoholic (testimony & Wikipedia). 
  • Salvation Army - William Booth (1829-1912), white pastor (testimony & Wikipedia).

  child died

  church events/ productions

  • "Journey to the Cross", North Side Baptist Church (West Columbia, S. C.), 2001 &-2002, the story HERE.
  • Life of Christ Pageant, First Baptist Church (Batesburg, S. C.), 1990/91-2011, HERE.
  • Oberammergau Passion Play, every 10 years since 1634 (in alpine Germany), HERE.
  • Souper Bowl of Caring, now annual national at Super Bowl time, began 1990 (in Columbia, S. C.), HERE.
  • This Man Called Jesus, HERE.

  Christian colleges

  Christian families

  Christian publications

  Christian testimony (100s on these) links

 Christian TV and radio shows

  chronic fatigue syndrome cured

  • Martha Jenkins Jones, S. C. native cured! (HERE).

  civil rights leaders

  • Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), black 1960s USA civil rights champion (HERE & Wikipedia).



  composers of music

  • George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), composer (Handel's Messiah) & musician, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Francis Scott Key (1779-1843), composed The Star Spangled Banner (HERE, & Wikipedia).
  • Robert Ray, modern minor African American composer (He Never Failed Me Yet [music begins at one minute], a very catchy, 5 minute vocal) & musician, (ADSMM bio). His major piece is about 30 minutes, Gospel Mass.

  concentration camp brutality survivors

  • Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983), helping Jews & thrown into concentration camp (testimony & Wikipedia).

  converts ("notable") to Christianity: check Wikipedia master list of categories

  country music singers/writers

  criminals/mafioso, former (and check gang members)

  • Joseph Donato (-), his story.
  • Seth Pack (1985-), of Cowpens, S. C. was #4 worldwide computer hacker at age 12 & got caught & helped develope Counter-Pedophilia Investigative Unit & also played with Christian rock band, Sound of Light.
  • Bill Saye, During the 1970s, Bill Saye ran the largest drug operation in the USA. However, his criminal activity carried devastating consequences for him and his family. He escaped five attempts on his life; his wife was murdered; his son was kidnapped; and his daughter was severely beaten. In prison, a Gideon Bible started a life change. (his story) (Vimeo video testimony). (dozens more of Gideon Testimonies)

  cystic fibrosis


  • Gary William Frazier (1961-), white Georgia man deaf at age 10, (testimony). 

  delivered from the demonic

  • Todd Beezley (1984-), not amous & born with brittle bone disease, CBN story.
  • Kirk Martin, a white bully has dramatic change (his story with link to his stunning YouTube testimony). 
  • Capt. John Dale Mosgrove, C. D. (1926-2007), testimony. 
  • Stephen J. Vattimo, testimony. 
  • H.A. Maxwell Whyte (1908-1988), testimony. 

  defenders of the truth

  • Dinesh D'Souza (1961-), immigrant (testimony) to USA from India & advocate for the unique idea of America.


  • Ben S. Carson, M. D. (1951-), Wikipedia, from ghetto to famous pediatric neurosurgeon; to oversee HUD starting in 2017.
  • The doctors Mayo (born 1860s), a vision from God to Mother Alfred Moes "to build a hospital and have Dr. Mayo run it and it would become world reknowned" was communicated to Dr. Mayo and leads to the world famous Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. PBS produced a documentary Sept. 2018.
  • John Fletcher Redman, M.D. (1938-), testimony.
  • Ervin B. Shaw, M.D. (1943-), testimony.
  • J.R. Walters, M.D. (1957-), testimony.

  drug addicts

  • Sonny Arguinzoni, grew up on tough streets of New York (testimony).
  • Duane Blue (about 1957-), unable to learn to read, hje left school in rebellion (testimony).
  • Iris Blue (about 1962-), Texas bad girl (testimony).
  • Ivy Goforth, pastor's daughter goes bad (testimony).
  • Sheila Holcomb, born to a 15 y/o mother (testimony).
  • Rebecca Hope, she got on crack at age 18 (testimony).
  • Kurtis Kolstad, Seatle drummer & the age of The Beatles (testimony).
  • Jesse Klassen, got on alcohol & drugs @ age 15 (testimony).
  • Mike Lindell (1961-), the white MyPillow guy (his story & Wikipedia).
  • Angel Manfredy, pro boxer, El Diablo (testimony).
  • Mike Mansor, bad attitude boy starts cocain at age 12 (his story).
  • Danny Rogers, begins drugs in 8th grade (testimony).
  • Franco Santoriello about 1968-(), Italian-American greatest male teen body builder ever & got drug addicted then called out to God & founded JACK'DUP4JESUS.
  • Ashley Smith, she goes bad (testimony).
  • Ted Stone, they all said, "I don't think Ted Stone will ever amount to anything." (testimony).

  evangelists, Christian

  • Bobby Barnes, evangelist in the Carolinas, (HERE).
  • "Bill" Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, & initiator of The Jesus Film Project (HERE and Wikipedia).
  • Oswald Chambers (1874-1917), evangelist & teacher, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Nicky Cruz (1938- ), prior New York gang leader, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Ted Haggard (1956- ), turbulent career, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • D. L. Moody (1837-1999), Civil War era Chicago, (HERE & Wikipedia). 
  • Stormie Omartian, modern times lady, she evangelizes through writings, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Billy Sunday (1862-1935), incredible work, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Roger Whipp, modern times former atheist policeman in London, (HERE).

 ex Hell's angels and/or bikers:

  • Charles Barry Mayson, (1944-2007), (HERE).
  • Biker Church, (HERE).
  • Born Again Bikers, a testimonies site, (HERE & CMA & Wikipedia).

  jailbirds (rightfully or wrongfully):

  • International Network of Prison Ministries, HERE.
  • Iris Blue, Texas bad girl (testimony).
  • Lenell Geter, black Denmark, S. C. native & grad. of S. C. State University became an aerospace engineer landed a great job in Texas & then was wrongfully accused & convicted to life in prison for stealing $615 from a Kentucky Fried; Morley Safer, investigative reporter with CBS 60 Minutes produced the evidence that freed Mr. Geter who had found Jesus & later wrote, "Overcome, Succeed, and Prosper".
  • Terry Nichols, the Oklahoma City bomber (testimony).
  • Jack "Murph the Surf" Murphy, did biggest jewel heist in American history (Wikipedia).
  • Prison Ministry, and with a list of major ones (Wikipedia). 
  • Re-Entry Prison and Jail Ministry, HERE.

 famous business persons:

  • "Mary Kay" Mary Kathlyn Wagner Ash (1918-2001) (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • "Dan" S. Truett Cathy (1921-2014), founder of Chic-fil-A (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • James Cash Penny (1875-1971), founder of J. C. Penny Dept. Stores (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Dave Thomas (1932-2002), founder of Wendys & a Disciples of Christ member (Wikipedia).
  • Ted Turner (1938-), media mogul HERE.

  famous Christians (also check Beliefnet's celebrity faith database)

  • William M. Branham (1909-1965), faith healer who initiated the post-WWII healing revival (Wikipedia).
  • John Calvin (1509-1564), (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Amy Carmichael (1867-1951),  (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Maria B. Woodworth-Etter (1844-1924), an American healing evangelist (Wikipedia).
  • Madame Guyon (1648-1717), a French mystic (Wikipedia).
  • Mahalia Jackson (1911-1972), the queen of Gospel singing  (Wikipedia).
  • Kathryn Kuhlman (1907-1976), healing evangelist  (Wikipedia).
  • Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), incrediblely influential advocate of peaceful protest in the name of civil rights   (Wikipedia).
  • Henrietta Mears (1890-1963), Christian educator, evangelist, and author (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Samuel Morris (1873-1893), a native of Liberia, he came to the USA & was an evangelist (Wikipedia).
  • William Joseph Seymour (1870-1922), He began the Azusa Street Revival (Wikipedia).
  • Ethel Waters (1896-1977), famous singer and actress (Wikipedia).

  famous media authors, commentators, journalists & investigative reporters

  • David S. Limbaugh (1952-), commentator & author, (Wikipedia).
  • Rush Limbaugh (1951-), ultra-famous radio commentator, (Wikipedia).
  • Ainsley Earhardt (1976-), TV co-host & S. C. native, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Jerry W. Mitchel (1959-), investigative reporter finds (2005) Miss. Klan killer of 3, (HERE).
  • Kirsten Powers (1967-), liberal TV co-host, (HERE).
  • Lee Strobel (1952-), prize-winner, big-time investigative atheist newspaper reporter, (HERE).
  • Dr. Carol Swain (1954-), born in rural Southern poverty, she is a black former political science professor and conservative commentator identifies first as a Christian, then as a constitutional conservative, and thirdly as a Republican (Wikipedia).

  famous scientists

  • George Washington Carver (1860s-1943), famous black scientst with 8 fabulous "rules to live by" in this section of Wikipedia. 
  • Francis S. Collins, M.D. PhD. (1950-), leader of the Human Genome Project to completely map & define human DNA, (Wikipedia & HERE). 

  fashion models

  Fired or law-sued for their faith

  • Benham twins (1975-), the HGTV show Oct. 2014 debute of white twins, Jason and David Benham, about "house flipping" was abruptly cancelled, (HERE & HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Kelvin Cochran (1960-), black Atlanta fire chief's personally published book, in one place indicated God's plan for marriage was a man & a women; LGBTs went beserk; he won $1.2 million in court in 2018  (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Kathleen Lorentzen (1951-), a social worker counselor who had no problem counseling LGBT was fired May 2018 by employer for asking that gay couple desiring marital counseling be referred to another counselor experienced in that aspect, (HERE & Google her name for other articles).
  • Jack Phillips, would not bake a creative wedding cake for a gay couple wedding (the Masterpiece Cakeshop case [Wikipedia]) and finally was vindicated by the U. S. Supreme Court in 2018.


  •  William Colgate (1783-1857),  (HERE & Wikipedia).
  •  Chuck Colson (1931-2012), politician goes to prison & founds Prison Fellowship (HERE & Wikipedia)
  •  Chris Danze, organized pro-life organizations throughout Texas (HERE & Wikipedia).
  •  Cecil Day (1934-1978), founder of Days Inn (Wikipedia).
  •  Rich DeVos (1926-2018), co-founder of Amway (HERE & Wikipedia).
  •  Howard Finster (1916-2001), pastor called to develope gardens and museums & developed Paradise Garden  (Wikipedia).
  •  Millard Fuller (1935-2009), founder of Habitat for Humanity (HERE & Wikipedia). 
  •  David Green (1941-), founder of Hobby Lobby  (Wikipedia).
  •  H.J. Heinz (1844-1919), founder of company for Heiz Ketchup  (Wikipedia).
  •  J.L. Kraft (1874-1953), inventor of Kraft cheeze & developing Kraft Foods (HERE & Wikipedia). 
  •  Leonard LeSourd (1919-1996), editor of Guideposts magazine (Find a Grave memorial).
  •  "Bud" Lowell Paxson (1935-2015), founder of PAX TV  (Wikipedia).
  •  Rev. Garland Ramsey (about 1934-), founder of His House ministry in central South Carolina (HERE).
  •  Chuck Smith (1927-2013), (HERE & Wikipedia).
  •  John Templeton (1912-2008), Rhodes Scholar & one of the greatest global investor stock pickers of the century, (Wikipedia & HERE).
  •  Dave Thomas (1932-2002), founder of Wendy's  (Wikipedia).
  •  Sam Walton (1918-1992), founder of Walmart, (Wikipedia).
  •  Thomas B. Welch, D. D. S. (1825-1903), inventor of process leading to Welch's grape juice ( Wikipedia).
  •  F.W. Woolworth(1852-1919), founder of Woolworth stores  (Wikipedia).
  •  William Wrigley, Jr. (1861-1932), founder of Wrigley's chewing gum, (HERE & Wikipedia).

  football players & coaches

  • Shaun Alexander, black (HERE) pro football player (Wikipedia). 
  • Rolf Benirschke, white (HERE) pro football player & came down with ulcerative colitis. 
  • Bethel College Football Team, avidly (HERE) Christian (Wikipedia). 
  • Coach Bobby Bowden, famous white (HERE) college football coach; (Wikipedia). 
  • Brandon Burlsworth (1976-1999): fat Christian (HERE) kid becomes football great; see movie, "Greater:..."
  • Coach Tony Dungy, black (HERE) pro football coach (Wikipedia).
  • Nick Foles, Eagles coach for Super Bowl LII win (Vimeo; Wikipedia).
  • Lamar Jackson, 2016 Heisman Trophy (HERE) winner & youngest ever. 
  • John Kasay, (Wikipedia & HERE).
  • Tom Landry (1924-2000), (HERE) famous white pro football coach, HERE; (Wikipedia). 
  • Marcus Lattimore, black USC Gamecock great running back helps athletes prepare for the future beyond sports, HERE.
  • Trevor Lawrence (1999-), Clemson's 2018 amazing freshman quarterback (Wikipedia). 
  • Vince Lombardi (1913-1970), all-time famous Green Bay Packers white pro football coach (Wikipedia)
  • Mike Minter, black pro football player, HERE
  • Doug Pederson, Eagles coach for Super Bowl LII win (Wikipedia).
  • Houston Nutt, white Razorbacks college football coach (HERE). 
  • David Pollack, white pro football player, HERE.
  • Dan Reeves, white former pro football quarterback, (Wikipedia and HERE). 
  • Frank Reich, white pro football player & coach, (Wikipedia). 
  • Mark Richt, white college football coach, (HERE & Wikipedia). 
  • Dr. Rick Rigsby, black former football player & son of 3rd grade drop-out cook. His inspiring video, HERE.
  • Eugene K. Robinson, black (HERE) pro football player, (Wikipedia). 
  • Barry Sanders, black (HERE) pro football player (Wikipedia). 
  • Deion Sanders, black (HERE) pro football player (Wikipedia). 
  • Emmitt Smith, black pro football player (Wikipedia). 
  • Lovie Smith, black college football coach, (Wikipedia).
  • "Dabo" Swinney (was born William Christopher Swinney. His older brother, Tripp, started calling him "That Boy," which became "Dabo," the name by which he has been known his entire life), famous Clemson University football coach has an incredible Christian life story, HERE & (following Clemson national championship win) HERE. 
  • Tua Tagovailoa, freshman Alabama quarterback lifts his hand in thanks to Jesus as they win the 2017 USA college football championship (HERE and Wikipedia).
  • Tim Tebow, 2007 Heisman Trophy winner, HERE. 
  • LaDainian Tomlinson,  black star (HERE) San Diego Chargers (Wikipedia) running back.
  • David Tyree, black pro football player (Wikipedia) (alcoholic at age 14). 
  • Kurt Warner, white (HERE) football player (Wikipedia).
  • Benjamin Watson, black (HERE) NFL player (Wikipedia); his book.
  • Reggie White, black (HERE) pro football player (Wikipedia).

  former atheists (some set out to disprove God and/or Jesus)

  • John Bakas, (HERE).
  • Steve Beren, was a socialist & atheist (HERE & Wikipedia). 
  • Francis S. Collins, M.D. PhD., (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Nancy Lane, PhD., initially turned off by parents (HERE).
  • Clive Staples "Jack" Lewis (1898-1963), famous Christian writer (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Sarah Miles, completely secular & wanders into a house of worship & accepts a piece of communion bread & is astounded as she "tastes God" (video HERE).
  • William J. Murray, the son of deceased atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair (the son she used as plaintiff, ban school prayer Supreme Court case) turns to Jesus in 1980 (at age 33) & writes a book. Forensic Files episode #111, "Without a Prayer" is about her 1995 death. [do web search, Netflix, etc.](HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Lee Strobel, top investigative reporter atheist & CANNOT disprove Christ & wrote book; 2017 movie, Case for Christ, (HERE & Wikipedia)
  • No ID, HERE.
  • Frank Pastore, pro baseball pitcher & atheist who set out to prove no God & converted & wrote book (Wikipedia)(PragerU 5 minute video) author of "Shattered: Struck Down But Not Destroyed".

  former gang members

  • Nicky Cruz, New York city gangster finds Jesus, (HERE).
  • Rene Martinez, Miami satanic gangster transitioned from the streets to bare-knuckled MMA fighting had Jesus speak to him as he was recording rap music in his garage & he was baptized and became a sort of evangelist, (HERE).
  • Israel Narvaez, New York city founder of Mau Maus gang (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Star Parker, black former welfare cheat wrote books, (1) Pimps, Whores and Welfare Brats & (2) Uncle Sam's Plantation after she was lead to Jesus (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • No ID, white female (HERE) finds Jesus & spreads Gospel. 


  gave all to others

  • John Wesley Fling, West Columbia, S. C., HERE.

  gay (LGBT) & changed, HERE

  golfers (also do web search...there are more)

  gospel singers & writers

  grew up "dirt poor"

  • Willie Lee Buffington, poor S. C. white mill worker gives all for black libraries (HERE).
  • John Wesley Fling, poor S. C. white worker  & gave all to Jesus (HERE).


  • Todd Morgan Beamer (1968-2001), white & preventively involved in 9/11 N. Y. terror attack (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Henry Clarke Bynum, Jr. (1961-2007), white Sumter, S. C. native dramatically prevented terror crash in 2000 of an airliner (HERE).
  • Desmond Doss (1919-2006), white WWII Medal of honor for unarmed Christian conscientious objector heroics on Hacksaw Ridge (the fabulous, graphic, disturbing but uplifting MOVIE & Wikipedia).

  high elected officials

  • Condoleezza Rice, black female former Secretary of State (HERE & Wikipedia).

  homosexual (LGBT) [discussion] & changed

  • Adelaide, HERE
  • Rosaria Champagne Butterfield, HERE. 
  • Cheryl Clark, M.D., HERE. 
  • Christopher Doyle, YouTube & his website. 
  • McKrae Game, HERE. 
  • Ted Haggard, HERE. 
  • Nancy Heche, HERE.  
  • Alan Medinger, HERE. 
  • Matt Moore, now a Christian writer and about (HERE) his prayers to change went initially unanswered by God.
  • Dianne Partain, HERE.
  • Emily Thomes, a Christian when she started dating a girl at age 15, she came to realize (HERE & HERE) that attraction to same sex did NOT define you (HERE)...we all struggle with sin but should NOT be defined by the specific sin with which we struggle.!
  • Rich Wyler, his story on the Brothers Road website, HERE (and click on the "our stories" to see a resoursce of written & video testimonies & other websites with testimonies). 

  Hound of Heaven (dragged in by Him)

  • Jordan Samuel, video & CBN/700.
  • Saul of Tarsus (becoming the Apostle Paul) is the original, dramatic experience on the road to Damascus!
  • George Foreman, all-time great (HERE) heavyweight boxer.
  • Lily Fishman Isaacs, born in Germany (HERE) to Polish Jews surviving Nazis.
  • Barry Mayson, former Hell's Angel (HERE).
  • Kirk Martin, bad-ass biker (HERE).
  • Frank Pastore, pro baseball pitcher & atheist who set out to prove no God & converted & wrote book (Wikipedia)(PragerU 5 minute video) author of "Shattered: Struck Down But Not Destroyed".
  • Mary Poplin, a Claremont Graduate University professor (HERE) who discarded Christianity in the secularity of college (1960s-70s) and was a party girl & felt nonjudgemental & self righteous in her "goodness" as she tried out all sorts of ways to have a world view and be spiritual but not religious. Instead of growing freer, her heart hardened. In late 1992, she had a powerful, immediately life-changing dream in which she met Jesus & saw who she really was & her life immediately dramatically changed (her testimony, Christianity Today, Jan./Feb. 2018 p.96-97). (YouTube)
  • Kirsten Powers, TV news commentator (HERE).
  • Ashley Smith, held by murderer HERE).
  • Bill Wilson, founder (HERE) of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • Kris Kristofferson, lead singer to the song (HERE) "Why Me, Lord?".
  • Christopher Hitchens, fiery atheist, "believes" near the end with esophageal cancer, HERE.
  • Tamara Laroux: her suicide attempt & rescue video testimony helps a person to understand Hell.
  • Sonia: her 2016 suicide attempt & rescue from memories of her mother giving her to men to get bottles of alcohol, HERE.

  hurricane survivors

  • Noah Markham, frozen embryo (HERE) miracle!

  in coma & survived or wrongly declared brain-dead but were not 

  • Kristin (1982-), West Columbia girl miraculously surviving encephalitis (HERE).
  • Zach Dunlap (1997-), declared brain-dead but awoke, HERE.
  • Gary William Frazier (1961-), near-fatal menigitis at age 10 left him deaf (HERE).
  • Kurt Kolstad (1951-2017), a west coast rock band drummer (HERE).
  • Trenton McKinley (2005-), declared brain-dead but awoke, HERE.
  • Vegetative state, a study of the significant over-diagnosis of vegitative state (HERE).

  in the mob


  • Nancy Lane (1948-), white hippie-type intellectual unhappy & even attempted suicide (her testimony).
  • C.S. Lewis (1898-1963), famous white Christian author & defender ("apologist") of Christianity (his testimony & Wikipedia).
  • Francis Schaeffer (1912-1984), famous white evangelical Christian theologian son of depressed mother & fatherv with 3rd grade education (Wikipedia).


  • George Washington Carver (1860s-1943), famous black American agricultural scientist & inventor (Wikipedia).
  • Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), white child prodigy becoming a famous physicist & mathematician, etc., who became famous for Pascal's Wager (his testimony & Wikipedia).

  Jewish converts


"ladders of opportunity" (defined) beneficiaries (a few examples among millions)...many have written books about their journeys (some achieved much as they overcame severe adversity or disadvantage even though not neccessarily Christians). For those who have been dependant on welfare, etc., we are talking about getting onto a rung of ladders of opportunity & independence! The Horatio Alger Association awardees is a long listing of overcomers, HERE); some were devinely or otherwise inspired to the following focus: HERE. There are many video stories of overcomers on sites such as Goalcast. Among the various ladders are: the opportunities of the nation one is born in; having one or more wise parents, kinfolk, or teachers whose devotion & encouragement & advice you actually take; having a mindset of determination that is "I can & I will" and also not being a "sheep" that follows "what people say"; spiritual ladders; educational ladders (including the trades and unpaid internships and shadowing opportunities); military ladders (example listing HERE); social networking & field of work networking & civic networking ladders; workforce opportunities (National Council for the American Worker & also Workforce Policy Advisory Board...both with goals of easier access to the ladder of good jobs which open up other related career jobs; there is a Dec. 2018 First Step Act for after prison (more about The Last Mile created by Chris Redlitz in 2010...recidivism rate extremely low as skills learned in prison); sports & all other entertainment ladders; and encouragement, inspirational, partnership with one or more highly influential persons ladders via teachers, coaches, scout leaders, and other types of activity leaders.

  • Beat The Streets (here) has been the creation of a wealthy businessman and is both a "sports" and a "help them" "ladder of opportunity" to get big-city, at-risk urban kids off the streets and into a sport that helps them learn that "nothing is given...everything is earned" (back-in-the-day YMCA boxing programs offered a similar ladder & modern MMA & juijitsu programs offer this ladder).
  • R. Gary Black, Jr. (1945-2018), a white boy goes to Epworth Children's Home orphanage (a "help them" "ladder of opportunity") at age 12, then onto college (the education "ladder of opportunity")...The Citadel...and into military and later a CPA, and killed, HERE.
  • Herman Cain (1945-2020), born a poor black man & mother said, "...success was not a function of what you start out with materially, but what you start out with spiritually."; (Wikipedia) becomes wealthy business man and important politician and commentator & associate pastor in a Christian church.
  • Dr. Ben Carson (1951-present), born a poor black man without a father but with a loving mother committed to the childrens' success grounded in the christianity religious "ladder of opportunity" (Wikipedia) becomes world famous child brain surgeon and 2016 candidate for president of the USA
  • Ieshia Champs (1985-present), a black lady grade-school drop out & single mother of 5 hears her preacher's wife's message and gets on the education "ladder of opportunity" and graduates law school in 2018 (testimony on CBN) (You Tube with Steve Harvey)(I saw her on the Steve Harvey Show).
  • Frederick Douglass (1818-1895), a black famous (Wikipedia) former slave was taught the alphabet by a master's wife & escaped slavery band somehow became literate and got onto the educational "ladder of opportunity"; Heritage Foundation piece about "ladders".
  • Warrick Dunn (1975-present), a black man who was a star high school athlete when his New Orleans police officer mother was murdered in a robbery & he thereafter raised his siblings while stepping strongly onto the athletic "ladder of opportunity" (went to the NFL) and has built over 145 houses for single mothers! (Wikipedia).
  • Harris Faulkner (1965-), a black lady born in Atlanta whose father was on the military service ladder after serving in Vietnam & then becoming a college grad via that route & Harris also did the college route into a media career (Wikipedia).
  • Rory Feek (1965-present), a white boy from the trailer park (Wikipedia) to famous country Gosple music writer by somehow getting onto the "ladder of opportunity" to maximize a talent under the positive influence of others.
  • David Goggins (1975-present), a black retired Navy Seal (his story) with Patriot Tour, finds that being your best, etc., overcomes racism as he maximized the military service "ladder of opportunity".
  • "Coco" Cori Gauff (2004-present), a black teenager whose parents are an intact family who both got on the athletic "ladder" and give Coco that lader plus the ladder of an intact parental family, so that she makes a great move in the 2019 Wimbledon tennis grand slam (Wikipedia).
  • "Steve" Harvey, (1957-present), a famous (Wikipedia) black TV show host who was homeless at one time & somehow got onto the "ladder of opportunity" to maximize a talent under the positive influence of others. A Christian.
  • Alix S. Idrache, (about 1996-present) a Haitian immigrant to the USA in 2009 stepped onto the military service "ladder of opportunity" and from there onto the education "ladder of opportunity" and became a West Point graduate in 2016 going into the military and to flight school. His father came to the USA and told him, "Education is the only gift I can always give you, because I donโ€™t have anything material to give." You Tube.
  • John James, (1981-presen) a black 2018 mid-term GOP candidate for US Senate from Michigan who got onto the educational and military ladders of opportunity to become a successful businessman. (HERE; Wikipedia).
  • LeBron James, (1984- ) a black athlete who may be second only to Michael Jordan in pro basketball fame and ability (Wikipedia) whose struggling teenaged mother (criminal father not in his life) placed him on his first "ladder" by allowing him to move in with the family of Frank Walker (a coach).
  • Dr. Willie Jolley (1956-present), a black man says, "A setback is a setup for a comeback" (HERE)! He was a fired jazz singer replaced by a karaoke machine & then got on the education "ladder of opportunity" & got a theological degree & degree in psychology & is a top-ranked motivational speaker!
  • Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), a black man & born in racially segregated Atlanta, Ga. & (in 1960s) who got onto the educational and theological "ladders of opportunity" & became USA civil rights champion (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Joe Knopp (1974-present), he and his sister are white people born in a totally unstable home with abusive father &, through a church, grew up in an orphanage & then Joe got onto the "ladder of opportunity" of military service and then became one of the producers of the movie (HERE), I Can Only Imagine; HERE about Bart Millard of that movie with a similar life story (Wikipedia).
  • Ken Langone (1935-), a white Italian son of a N. Y. plumber (mother a cafeteria worker...neither farther than 8th grade) who got on the combined ladders of working jobs and higher educaction & masterminded Home Depot, becoming a billionaire Roman Catholic philanthropist (Wikipedia). As of 2019, he notes that over 3000 people who started entry-level jobs at Home Depot have gone on to become millionaires, HERE! His book is, I love Capitalism; 5/2/19 INTERVIEW.
  • Marcus Luttrell (1975-present), a white (his story) Navy Seal with Patriot Tour; book & movie = Lone Survivor who ascended on the military service "ladder of opportunity".
  • "Dr. Phil" Phillip Calvin McGraw (1950-present), famous (Wikipedia) white TV psychologist raised by alcoholic father, accepted Christ at age 12, & was homeless at one time (says this often on his shows & you can hear in You Tube clips). Took the education "ladder of opportunity" and later lifted to fame by Oprah Winfrey.
  • "Bob" R. C. McNair (1937-2018), a white North Carolinian, college-educated in S. C. @ USC & struggled for years in sales, etc. (Wikipedia) He stayed on the ladders of continuing self education, tenaciousness, and social connections to become very wealthy and a multimillion dollar charitable donor (a major supporter of The Souper Bowl of Caring).
  • Leland Melvin (1964-present), a black man on a kid's first "ladder of opportunity" of an intact family (Wikipedia) who explodes his boyhood chemistry set & gets on the education "ladder of opportunity" & ends up an astronaut.
  • John C. Morgan (born about 1958-present), a white man (HERE) who worked for his father & through his Christian roots "ladder of opportunity" got into entertainment which lead him to become an amazing George W. Bush impersonator! 
  • Charles Mulli (or Charles Mully) (1949-present), a black Kenyan street orphan at age 6 for 10 years during which time he accepted Jesus as his savior and through the Christian roots "ladder of opportunity" became a wealthy businessman (Wikipedia)...the 2017 movie, "Mully".
  • Star Parker (1956-), a black lady formerly on welfare & now committed nationally to getting people off of Uncle Sam's plantation (her story & Wikipedia).
  • Pathways to Employment is a not-for-profit organization having the goal of helping people with mental/emotional issues find employment. This would be an example of a focused "help them" type of "ladder of opportunity".
  • Charles Payne (1960-present), a black man who grew up in Harlem in a single parent home with a mother who pushed him to achieve & went into military and then higher education "ladders of opportunity" and is now a financial expert commentator on Fox Business Channel (HERE ; Wikipedia).
  • Tyler Perry (1969-present), a black New Orleans son (Wikipedia) of a carpenter who regularly beat the hell out of him...but his mother took him to church each week where he sensed peace. I'm unclear as to Tyler's ladder or ladders. He becomes a famous actor & movie maker.
  • Col. Phillip R. Pittman (), a black man & son (testimony) of a poor black Mississippi sharecropper & is a Harvard grad. high in USA military (and a friend of my classmate, Ted Hussey). I'm unclear as to his ladder or ladders.
  • Dave Ramsey (1960-present), a white man & Christian financial courses & managing your finances rightly (testimony & Face Book & Wikipedia & HERE). I'm unclear as to his ladder or ladders.
  • Condoleezza Rice (1954-present), a racial segregation (Wikipedia) days black female growing up in Alabama with intact family & becomes USA Secretary of State. I'm unclear as to her ladder or ladders.
  • David Ring (1953-present), a white man born in 1953 with severe cerebral palsy; mom died & he wanted to committ suicide but found Jesus & became convinced that "I am blessed."; educated...married with children...popular Christian evangelist since 1973. HERE I'm unclear as to David's ladder or ladders.
  • William J. Seymour (1870-1922), he was the second of eight children born to emancipated slaves and was raised in extreme poverty in Louisiana. In racial segregatioin times, he listened outside the door of a revival in a white church and sensed the call to become an evangelist. Preaching became his ladder of opportunity. (Wikipedia)
  • Don Shaffer, a white orphan who grew up in Lexington County, S. C. & went from poverty to a well-off home-builder contractor: his story in The Boy From Maud. I'm unclear as to Don's ladder or ladders.
  • Thomas Sowell (1930-present), famous black male author (HERE) & commentator who did not initially finish high school. I'm unclear as to his specific ladder or ladders.
  • Sloane Stephens (1993-present),black dau. of champion swimmer mother but in disadvantaged family situation but she rose up on the sports "ladder of opportunity" to become U. S. Open tennis champion (Wikipedia).
  • Carol Swain (1954-present),black dau. of uneducated parents & 11 siblings who got entry-level jobs & then went back for GED and onto education ladder to become a conservative with professorships at Princeton & Vanderbilt (Wikipedia & PragerU 5 min. videos #1, #2, #3, #4).
  • Sloane Stephens (1993-present),black dau. of champion swimmer mother but in disadvantaged family situation but she rose up on the sports "ladder of opportunity" to become U. S. Open tennis champion (Wikipedia).
  • Clarence Thomas (1948-present), black & grew up in racially segregated Savannah, Ga. and became US Supreme Court justice in 1991, (Wikipedia). I'm unclear as to his ladder or ladders.
  • Vivien Thomas (1910-1985), a highly determined black grandson of a slave who ascended on the "ladder of opportunity" of partnering with a highly influention surgeon (and they, together, performed the first heart surgery for "blue baby" syndrome (Wikipedia).
  • Howard Thurman (1899-1991), Florida black man whose father died when he was 7, and he became a learned theologian & an important Civil Rights advocate (Wikipedia)(PBS). I'm unclear as to his ladder or ladders.
  • Dick Vitale (1939-present), white son of uneducated workers, blinded as a boy in left eye, was often told by his mother, "Never think 'I can't'!" He never played basketball but got on the education & sports "ladders of opportunity" and became a college & pro basketball coach and very famous TV game announcer & commentator (Wikipedia). Powerful 2014 FoxNation interview with Ed Henry.
  • Johnnie "Mac" Walters (1919-2014), poor white man from S. C. sharecropper family who got on the education "ladder of opportunity" & rose to USA IRS Commissioner & stood up to Pres. Nixon when Nixon wanted bad things done to opponents ("Mac" was my ophthalmologist's father), (Memorial & Wikipedia).
  • Denzel Washington (1954-present), black man whose daddy was a pastor & mother owned a beauty parlor & they divorced & Denzel's wise mother sent him to a military academy at age 14; became famous movie actor and says: "Put God first" (8 minutes of a You Tube Commencement Speech & Wikipedia). I'm unclear as to his ladder or ladders.
  • Zig Ziglar (1926-2012), 1 of 12 white siblings & daddy died when he was 5 & had a wise mother; became famous business motivational speaker & notes: "wisdom is from God" (You Tube Testimony & Wikipedia). I'm unclear as to Zig's ladder or ladders.


  • Francis Scott Key (1779-1843), wrote the  USA national athem, The Star Spangled Banner (testimony & Wikipedia).

  lesbian (LGBT) & changed, HERE

  martial arts fighters (MMA/UFC)

  ministries (often as laymen ministries)

  • William Booth (1829-1912), HERE, starts the Salvation Army
  • Larry Burkett (1939-2003), (Wikipedia) founded Christian Financial Concepts which became Crown Financial Ministries to teach financial responsibility from the Christian perspective  (also see Dave Ramsey money advice, FB page, HERE).
  • Wayne G. Damron, older man of Augusta & Lexington has a personal ministry of 100s of talks to groups about Biblical coins in Scripture; he owns and family is deep into Clein's Rare Coins. HERE is a series posted by another numismatic expert.
  • John Fling (1921-2007), he started what became John Fling Ministries in Columbia, S. C.
  • McKrae Game, (HERE), founded lay LGBT ministry now called Hope for Wholeness Network.
  • Johnny Jennings, (HERE), 86 y/o has personally recycled $400,000.00 to Georgia Baptist Childrens Home.
  • Dave Ramsey, founded (testimony) The Dave Ramsey Show with courses (Financial Peace University) for church groups & podcasts about Christian personal money management (HERE) & getting & staying out of debt.
  • Garland Ramsey, founded His House Ministries in West Columbia, S. C. in 1974.
  • Ervin Shaw, started (testimony) this "stealth-ministry" website that you are viewing in about 1998 in Lexington, S. C. (about 200,000 hits per month in 2018)

  miracles (and see THESE)

  • Lallah Lindler Drafts, my mother-in-law and late-life cancer (HERE).
  • Jennifer Graham, S. C. Midlands teenager and brain tumor disappears (HERE).
  • Sara R. Gray, she felt the hand of God (HERE) in S. C.
  • Tracy & Coltyn Hermanstorfer, Mike (HERE) was in hospital delivery room when they died in Dencer, CO.
  • Martha Jenkins Jones, Sumter, S. C. native (HERE) delivered from chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Susan Marcus, our Holy Land tour guide in Israel (HERE) faced the loss of her son.
  • Tracy Nesbit, 2002 victim of flesh eating bacteria (HERE).
  • Pete Smoak, survives (HERE) vicious rattlesnake poisoning bite.
  • Paul M. Umbaugh, III, facing a lot of surgery, but did not to lose heart. He kept his faith in God, HERE.     
  • Walter Johantgen, M. D., Indianapolis anesthesiologist fell from ladder, in coma over a year, miraculous prayer effort full recovery, HERE.


  modern martyrs

  • Cassie Bernall, the Columbine massacre of 1999 (HERE) & Wikipedia.

  motivational speakers

  • Dr. Willie Jolley, "A setback is a setup for a comeback" (HERE), a fired jazz singer replaced by a karaoke machine & then got theological degree & degree in psychology & is a top-ranked motivational speaker!
  • Dave Ramsey, Christian financial courses & managing your finances rightly (testimony & Face Book & Wikipedia & HERE).
  • Zig Ziglar (1926-2012), business motivation & wisdom is from God (You Tube Testimony & Wikipedia)


  • Chris Conner, central S. C. musician HERE seemed miraculously cured of cancer finally died.
  • Charlie Daniels, famous (HERE) country music & bluegrass musician.
  • Kurtis "Kurt" Kolstad (1951-2017), (HERE) Pacific Northwest Rock scene drummer( he saw this website & we communicated for years).
  • Christopher Parkening, famous California classical guitarist (HERE) converts & launches into Christian music.
  • Caspar McCloud, former Broadway musician (HERE) miraculously healed of heart failure.
  • Sam Vereen, central S. C. multi-instrument Christian jazz musician who studied at CIU (HERE) & seen by us in 2019 at Red Beans & Rice Jazz Cafe, Lexington County, S. C.

  Muslim converts (Wikipedia list) and/or warning of dangers

  • Ergun Caner; about him, ( HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Truth, Love, and Newness of Life, a convert testimonies website, (HERE).
  • Kamal Saleem; about him, HERE.
  • Wafa Sultan; about her, (Converts & Wikipedia).
  • Dr. Suzy Schwab, at-one-time Columbia, S. C. area female physician, (Converts & HERE).
  • Brigitte Gabriel, female grew up under Muslim abuse of girls [by Western standards] (Converts & HERE).
  • Maajid Nawaz; a Muslim married to a Catholic pointing out the dangers of radicalism in his book & attempting to show how Muslims can be in the West & be "western" & "fit in" without having to carry an against-the-west & against-other-cultures attitude (Converts & Wikipedia) Smeared by the SPLC, the SPLC was sued & lost and apologized & paid a multimillion dollar settlement.
  • Tawfik Hamid; about him, (Converts & Wikipedia).
  • Asra Nomani; about her, (Converts & Wikipedia).
  • Zuhdi Jasser; about him, (Converts & Wikipedia).
  • Juliana Taimoorazy; about her (Converts & Wikipedia).
  • Kasim Hafeez; about him (Converts & Wikipedia).
  • Ayaan Hirsi Ali; about her, (HERE & HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Nabeel Qureshi (1983-2017); about him, (HERE & Wikipedia).

  newspaper columnists/ reporters

  Nobel Prize winners

  •  long Wikipedia list of 100s of them, HERE


  • Brian Wofford, HERE 

  odd spiritual (?) "leadings"

  • Capt. John Dale Mosgrove, C. D., HERE.

  Olympic athletes 

  organ donors

  organizations by Christians

  other Christian singers

  • Johnathan Lippmann, HERE.

  other Christian famous people

  • Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), white French military leader & emporer (testimony & Wikipedia).
  • John Calvin (1509-1564), famous white French theologian (his story & Wikipedia).
  • Amy Carmichael (1867-1951), white Irish missionary (her story & Wikipedia).
  • George Washington Carver (1860s-1943), black American agricultural scientist (Wikipedia).
  • Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), discovered America (his story & Wikipedia).
  • Harry S. Dent (1930-2007), (testimony & Wikipedia).
  • Carlton D'Metrius Pearson (1953-), (his testimony & Wikipedia).
  • J.D. Rockefeller, Sr. (1839-1937), (Wikipedia).
  • Charles Monroe Schultz (1922-2000), creator of Peanuts comic (his story & Wikipedia).
  • Essie Mae Washington-Williams (1925-2013), mixed race daughter of white Sen. Strom Thurmond of S. C. (testimony & Wikipedia).

  other personal testimonies

  • Jocelyn Andersen (maybe 1960-), went to church to prove to herself that members were weak-minded (testimony).
  • TerryDean (about 1962-), his trucker ministry (testimony).
  • Larry Harvey's dad (maybe 1937-), the victory over alcoholism (testimony).
  • Todd Houston (1961-), amputee makes incredible accomplishments (his story).
  • John Jacobs (1959-), (testimony).
  • Walter Johantgen, M.D., head trauma survivor via prayer chains activation (about 1945-), (testimony).
  • Margaret King (about 1929-), someone invite her to church & it changed her life (testimony).
  • Norm Miller (-), chairman of the Board of Interstate Batteries (his story).
  • Dr. Gary Parker (about 1950-), former advocate of teaching Darwinian evolution...embraces creation (testimony with interesting links).
  • Robert B. Price, Sr. (about 1926-), his birthday card ministry (testimony).
  • Florinette Ford Renfrow (-), (testimony).
  • Robert Clinton "Bobby" Richardson (1935-), (testimony).
  • David Shaw (1975-), grew up in physician's family (testimony).
  • A.B. Simpson (1843-1919), became minister & eventually brought the Gospel to the neglected masses of New York City (Wikipedia).
  • A.B. Skelton (1921-1996), gives a job to desperate man & great results (testimony).
  • Tanya Sparks (1979-), a preachers wife gets saved (her story).
  • Jeffrey Stanley (-), set out to carry the Cross across the USA (testimony).
  • Stanley Tam (1915-), U. S. plastics company founder's amazing testimony (his story) and his "giving back".
  • Buddy Waters  (about 1940-), businessman's ministry around Greer, S. C. (testimony).
  • Charles Wesley (1707-1788), younger of 2 brothers founding methodism (Wikipedia).
  • John Wesley (1703-1791), older of 2 brothers founding methodism (Wikipedia).
  • Susanna Wesley (1669-1742), mother of the founders of methodism (Wikipedia).
  • Carl E. West (1961-), West Columbia, S. C. tree worker evangelized customers & an alter call at his funeral started a new church (testimony).
  • Evan Whitlock (1998-), 5 y/o nearly killed in wreck & prayer chain is activated (testimony).
  • Hattie May Wiatt (about 1880-1886), little girl's 57 cents postmortem donation lead to Temple University (testimony & Wikipedia).
  • Ron Winans (-), "I Shall Not Die But Live" (his story).
  • Frank Wise (1955-), They mixed black and white bone marrow in the Deep South (testimony).
  • No ID (-), (testimony).
  • No ID (-), (testimony).

  pageant winners

  parent died when they were a child

  • C.S. Lewis (1898-1963), great British writer & explainer of Christianity, (testimony & Wikipedia).

  pastors/ preachers/ priests

  "pay it forward" & good deeds efforts stories

  • News Channel 9, very good "pay it forward" website stories collection, HERE.
  • 7 A-plus true stories, HERE.
  • 11 Readers Digest stories, HERE.
  • 18 Good News network stories, HERE.
  • NPR good deeds stories, HERE.
  • 30 HLN TV good deeds stories, HERE.


  • John Ashcroft, former Missouri Gov. & Senator; US Attorney Gen. in 2003 &
    among Wikipedia's list of 21st century Protestant Christians.
  • George Walker Bush, former USA President, HERE.
  • Chuck Colson (1931-2012), of Watergate fame (imprisoned), HERE.
  • Harry Shuler Dent (1930-2007), of South Carolina & the underground church, HERE.
  • Gov. Ben Hooper (1870-1957), Who's boy are you? HERE.
  • Gov. Mike Huckabee, conservative politician, HERE.
  • Alan Keyes, 1996, 2000, & 2008 New Yorker black US presidential candidate, HERE.
  • Condoleezza Rice, black female Mississippian & 66th US Secretary of State, HERE.
  • Gen. Lew Wallace, (1827-1905), HERE.
  • Mike R. Pence, becomes USA VP in 2017, HERE.

  porn stars or strippers; & see XXX church

  • Crystal DiGregorio-Bassette (1984-), porn star finds Jesus & turns preacher (her story).
  • Harmony Dust (1976-), on Wikipedia & YouTube & GodTube.
  • Nadia Kohn, church girl becomes stripper & then missionary to strippers (You Tube & CBN interview).
  • Jenna Pressley (her real name Brittni DeLaMora)(1987-), God saved her and now a preacher (Wikipedia & YouTube & GodTube & Jan. 2019 4 min. interview with Jesse Watters).
  • Crissy Moran (1975-), her YouTube video testimony & on Wikipedia.
  • Channon Rose, raised in star for a time & wrote her biography & video comments on a YouTube channell (her YouTube "rant" about Christians...but catch around minute 11) and I think is a Christian currently disappointed in many professed christians.
  • Strippers for Jesus, was founded by Jaime Hindman (You Tube interview).
  • Heather Veitch (1974-) , white girl raped & became stripper & then "pussy cat preacher", (YouTube & Wikipedia & her IMBD site) & founder of JC's Girls ministry to strippers.

  presidents (Christian) of the USA, (Wikipedia list)

  prisoners/ prison ministries 

  prisoner of a murderer or criminal

  prisoners of war

  professional surfers

  • Bethany Hamilton, also author, and shark attack survivor   (YouTube testimony; HERE).

  professors in academia




  • William Kent (about 1965-), in a motorcycle accident (his story).
  • Joni Eareckson Tada (1949-), daughter of olympic wrestler (testimony & Wikipedia). 

 race-car drivers 

  rap singers

  • M.C. Hammer (1962-), famous rapper & became minister, (Wikipedia). 

  rebellious youth

  • Duane Blue (about 1957-), white man caught up in biker life & drugs & finds Jesus(testimony; website).
  • Iris Blue (about 1962-), white Texas bad girl (testimony; website).
  • Denise Goodin (about 1979-), a black Columbia, S. C. lady, she spent time as a teen in DJJ trouble. Her life changed and she became the ordained minister at Holy Bible Baptist Church and founded Reconnecting Villages (website; YouTube) to help at risk youth and help their parents/grandparents/custodians.
  • Brian Wofford (about 1954-), white male goes wrong on way to becoming a chiropractor & asks Jesus for help  (testimony).

  rock singers


  • Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), short white male and became absolute ruler of France (testimony; Wikipedia).

  Satan and satanic worshippers

  saved from danger

  school shootings

  Scientists (LIST) & in technology (a MASSIVE list at Wikipedia, HERE) & more at Christianity Today (Galileo)

  set out to prove Christianity a fraud

  • Josh McDowell (1939-), son of alcoholic & to write a college paper to disprove Christianity (HERE & Wikipedia) & became Christian.
  • Anne Rice (1941-), raised in Catholic family & became agnostic & then atheist & author of Vampire Chronicles & almost died twice & found God (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Lee Strobel (1952-), law school grad & investigative newspaper reporter set out to disprove Christianity & became a Christian (published book & then movie) (his story & Wikipedia)

  sexual abuse

  • Cori McDaris  (her story).
  • Sonia: her 2016 suicide attempt & rescue from memories of her mother giving her to men to get bottles of alcohol, (HERE).

  sexual addicts

  • Heather Veitch (1973/74- ), white stripper who was transformed by Christ & is a missionary to strippers (HERE & HERE).

  shark attacks

  • Bethany Hamilton (1990-), professional surfer with an arm bitten off by a shark (Wikipedia). 


  • Pat Boone (1934-), beloved white "1950s teen idol" American singer proclaims rightness of Jewish-Christian relationship (HERE & VIDEO & Wikipedia).
  • Alice Cooper (1948-), white male 1960s godfather of shock-rock became Christian (YouTube testimony & Wikipedia).
  • Elvis Presley (1935-1977), King of Rock & Roll...most famous modern singer; very quiet Christian (HERE & Wikipedia & HERE).
  • Marianne Tutalo (about 1986-), singer with Sierra (her testimony & Wikipedia).

  single parent

  • Heather, a single mother finds God, (HERE).

  slaves/ slavery

  • John Newton (1725-1807), converted slave trader & wrote "Amazing Grace", (testimony & Wikipedia).
  • St. Patrick (356-461), the namesake for St. Patrick's Day holiday (testimony & Wikipedia).

  sports coaches/teams and other atheletes

  • Ron Brown (about 1959-), black U. of Neb. coach was rejected by Stanford because of outspoken Christian beliefs (testimony & HERE).
  • Tony Dungy (1955-), famous black pro football coach, (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Joe Gibbs (1940-), white 3 time Super Bowl champ coach  (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Vince Lombardi (1913-1970), white legendary Green Bay Packer football coach (HERE & Wikipedia).
  • Houston Nutt (1957-), white college coach won 59% of games; (Wikipedia).
  • Jana Slyder (1969-), white Columbia, S. C. resident wins her age group first place in 2019 World CrossFit Games (Wikipedia).
  • Dabo Swinney (1969-), Clemson footbal coach was born William Christopher Swinney. His older brother, Tripp, started calling him "That Boy," which became "Dabo," the name by which he has been known his entire life), famous Clemson University football coach has an incredible Christian life story, HERE & (following Clemson national championship win) HERE

  spouse died of AIDS

  • Nancy Heche, married to a secretly gay man & had daughter who got with lesbian TV star (HERE & Wikipedia).

  stroke survival, miraculous

  • John William McCoy, Jr. (1943-), of Sumter, S. C. Edmunds High class of 1962 (his miracle).

  struck by lightening

  • Martin Luther (1483-1546), father of Protestant Reformation was struck by lightening (story & Wikipedia). 

  suffers/ suffered from disease

  • Leah Fitzgerald (1984-), blinded but does art (her testimony). 
  • Tracy Nesbit (1967-2004), survived multiple flesh-eating bacteria episodes & then died (her story). 
  • Eva Threatt (1893-1977), abdomen filled with cancer & she prayed...miracle cure (her miracle). 

  suicide contemplation and/or attempts

  • Nancy Lane, PhD. (about 1957-), former atheist survives injuery & finds God (her story). 
  • T.R. Michels (maybe 1977-), shotgun under chin suicide attempt by outstanding archery hunter (his story). 
  • Rev. David Ring (1953-), born with severe cerebral palsy; mom died & he wanted to committ suicide but found Jesus & became convinced that "I am blessed."; popular evangelist since 1973 (his story).
  • J. K. Rowling (1965-), creator of Harry Potter series..suicidal at age 30, (brief video-bio) and (religion) HERE; turned her life around and now worth billions.
  • Kamal Saleem (1957-), radical Muslim to US thru Canada in 1970s gets suicidal & finds Jesus (testimony & CBN story). 
  • Carol Swain (1954-present), black dau. of uneducated parents & 11 siblings who married, divorced, attempted suicide, then got entry-level jobs & then went back for GED and onto spiritual & education ladders to become a conservative with professorships at Princeton & Vanderbilt (Wikipedia & PragerU 5 min. videos #1, #2, #3, #4).
  • Marijohn Wilkin (1920-2006), famous country music & gospel songwriter (her story & Wikipedia). 
  • Brian Wofford (about 1954-), he'd won ABC TV's Extreme Makeover, Home Edition in 2004 (his spiral toward suicide). 
  • Ravi Zacharias (1946-), attempted suicide age 17 & found Christ & famous defender (apologist) of Christianity (his story & Wikipedia).

  tennis players

  terror heroes


  Testimony web sites

  triumphed over cerebral palsy

  truck drivers

  TV commentators & stars & movie stars

  TV news anchors/reporters

  USA military service men/women

  USA Presidents

  vegetative state or coma & woke up

  war heroes

  war time pilots

  war victims

  when God protects

  witchcraft & demonic converts

  wrongly imprisoned

  • Lenell Geter (1957-), The movie "Guilty of Innocence" is about the false early 1982 conviction of one of a group of six black aerospace engineers, who had recently graduated from South Carolina State University, moved to the predominantly white city of Greenville, Texas, to begin engineering jobs at a large military defense contractor called E-Systems, Inc. (movie trailer, You Tube &  his Natl. Registry of Exonerations file)

  wrote hymns

  • Fannie Crosby (1820-1915), white lady blinded by a quack doctor when less than a year old, she was one of the most prolific hymnists in history with at least 9,000 hymns. (article & Wikipedia).
  • Charlotte Elliott (1789-1871), white lady famous for her hymn, "Just as I am, without one plea" (her testimony & Wikipedia). 
  • John Newton (1725-1807), white slave trader becomes great force toward abolition of slavery (his testimony & Wikipedia). 
  • Joseph Scriven (1819-1886), white Irish poet who wrote the poem that became "What a friend we have in Jesus" (his testimony & Wikipedia). 
  • Horatio G. Spafford (1828-1888), white American lawyer famous for the hymn, "It is well with my soul" (his testimony & Wikipedia). 
  • Anna B. Warner (1827-1915), white poet & hymn writer most famous for "Jesus loves me" (her testimony & Wikipedia).